Chapter 9: The girl who craved blood

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This book is going to end soon and by soon I mean maybe 15 or 13 chapters are left.

Not edited

I felt numb when I came home with bruised knuckles and a frown on my face. The first thing I saw was Ron , my little brother's face with tears streaming down his face. "Someone broke your heart too ?" I scoffed and walked past him, throwing my backpack on the small table that was placed next to the door. "I-I killed someone," he hiccuped and I turned my body sharply towards him. "What the f*ck are you talking about ? You're sixteen, you can't kill someone!" I whispered harshly, some of my spit flying out of my mouth and landing directly on Ron's nose. He wiped it away with the back of his hand and just looked at me with bloodshot eyes. "I kind of k-killed a rabbit...." he trailed off and looked down on his feet, another tear fell from his eye. I had two options ; one was to yell at him and ask him why and how he did that and the other option was to just laugh at him and go burry the poor rabbit and maybe even ask my mother to cook it for dinner. I, of course, chose the later. I laughed loudly and put my arm around his shoulder. "Where is the poor rabbit that you killed ?" I asked him with a playful smile on my face. "Y-you're not mad ? I killed someone Taylor! Isn't that wrong ? As you said, I'm only sixteen." He said softly and I chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm hungry and I'm craving some rabbit meat. So, little brother, let's go and clean that rabbit up." I said and Ron looked at me with fear and shock in his eyes. This was not me.
Taylor never talked like this.
I never talked like this.


"I have a surprise for you, mum," I said with a big grin on my face. My mom wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing and looked at me with a weird and timid smile on her face. "What is it, sweetheart ?" She asked and I felt my left eye twitch. She never called me sweetheart. "I want to have rabbit meat tonight," I said and my mother nodded and swiftly turned back around, facing the stove.

"Are you okay ? You're acting weird."

"Your brother told me what happened today, Taylor."

"It was a small mistake on his part, he didn't mean to kill it, did he ? He just wanted to learn how to use a gun, mum."

"A sixteen year old should never want to learn how to use a gun!" Mom said sharply and I rolled my eyes. We were now facing each other.

"You have a gun in your own f*cking drawer. It's your mistake that your son got ahold of that stupid gun!" I yelled and stormed out of the kitchen, throwing the rabbit that I was carrying on the counter top. The counter top was now bloody, just like my t-shirt was.


I sat on the cold tiled floor as the water drops pelted on my naked body. The water was cold. At least I was feeling something. I was not numb anymore.

I analysed the things that had happened that day.
I found out about Harry already knowing of my feelings.
I found out that Lillian was not as nice as I thought she was and I was kind of glad for it.
I found out that Harry has a strong nose thought it is probably crooked now.
I also found out that I'm not who I used to be anymore.
I won't say that the events that went down that day changed me.
I just think that something broke inside me.
Something insane.
Something psychotic.

I also found out that the voice inside my head was evil. It was like I had a devil inside me which was waiting to be let out.
It finally got out and I don't think that there's going back now.

I rubbed my thumb back and forth on my knuckles and sighed and then stood up and turned off the shower. Mother and Ron never asked me about my knuckles. I saw fear in their eyes. The knew that I was not their lovely, innocent Taylor anymore.

How did I change ? Why did I change ? I don't know myself. But I did and if I'm honest, I wouldn't change a thing about it because I also found out another thing.

I loved blood.

-Few hours ago-

"The rabbit is at the back of the bush, you go ahead, I think I'm gonna throw up." Ron said and ran back inside the house. "Coward," I mumbled and walked to the bush and saw the cute little poor bunny all bloodied and dead. "I wonder how juicy your meat is," I whispered and dragged my index finger along his stomach and looked at my finger. It was covered with blood and all I wanted to do was lick it off of my finger.

And I did exactly did.

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