11: The Great Horror

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Hey ! So I know this is LONG overdue but I've been out of it .... SORRY ! So the picture on the side was made by my AWESOME co-writer! Did I ever tell you guys to FAN HER !?!?!??!? I love her ! She's awesome ! Like SERIOUSLY ! So enjoy !


I stayed at Noah's and put off coming home as much as I could, until mom finally called me and made me leave. Me and Jake's project had been put off until tomorrow, because his girlfriend wanted to go to the movies.

After all it is Friday. I picked up my book bag and pulled my books to my chest making my way down their driveway. Jake not too far ahead popping the lock on his car. I stopped midway and sighed. This is so selfish. He wants to go out with his girlfriend and has to take me home, which is all out of the way.

"Hey," He stopped and turned to look at me, raising a brow. "you don't have to take me home, I could walk." He gave me a look and then scoffed.

"At this time of night? Get in the car." I was going to protest but the tone in his voice made it perfectly clear, that wouldn't work. I sighed and pulled my hair behind my ear, getting in the car.

"I have legs Jake. I can walk, you should be picking up Lucy." He rolled his eyes and leaned over to close my door which I left open on purpose.

"No, what I should be doing, is my homework. But I'm not." And with that, he started the car.

The ride home was quiet. I wanted to say something... ANYTHING to break the silence but nothing came out. I bit my lip and cleared my throat. Its so weird to me. Being around Jake. He was never been in my life like this. He was always just... there. Now he's not only there... He's everywhere. Does that make sense?

I heard Jake chuckle and then I looked over at him. "What?" He cleared his throat and then shook his head dismissively.

"Nothing." I scoffed and shoved him playfully.

"Tell me!" He chuckled and then his eyebrows went inward.

"No! It's... Weird." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Oh come on. I live, eat, and breathe weird." He laughed and I realized what I said. "Don't correct me." I pointed my finger at him and he bit his lip momentarily, making my breath get stuck in my throat.

"You just... You look extremely beautiful right now." I looked at him in surprise, of course I was beet root red, and furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I'm wearing ripped jeans and a tank top. What is beautiful about that?" I asked playfully, trying to cover up how embarrassed I was. He laughs slightly.

"I don't think it matters what you're wearing." Its a red light so the car stops and for a minute, our eyes are locked and there is this weird stirring in my chest.

I blink and look straight ahead out the window, hoping - no praying, he couldn't see how red I was. I sighed and rubbed my face willing this color to change.

What is wrong with him anyways? Who just looks at someone and say that they're beautiful? No one does that! Especially, not if that someone is your little brothers best friend. I scoff inwardly and shake my head. Who does that?

The car stops again, and I sit up. "Well, we're here." I lick my lips and muster a smile even though my mind seems to be stuck on what happened. I reach in the back seat and grab my bag.

"Thanks for the ride." I say quietly. He smiles and shrugs.


"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" He nods and bites his bottom lip, which practically makes heart explode. Okay. I've got to get out of here. I open my door and wave before speed walking up the driveway.

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