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Disclaimer: ALL BELONGS TO SM!

****Edward POV********

"Hmmm" I hummed waking up.

I remembered last night what happened, Bella was almost raped and close to losing our child.

I looked over to her; she was sleeping peacefully beside me. She looked like an angel. I happy she and your baby are fine; I would be devastated if anything happened to Bella.

I unwounded her arms for my body and got up. I put on my robe and headed downstairs, closing our bedroom door behind me.

Emmett and Jasper were in the kitchen staring at each other wide-eyed.

I looked away and walked to the kitchen closet and got my cereal, then got my bowl and poured milk in it; I poured the cereal, picked up my spoon and started eating watching as my brothers just stared at each other. Soon I got annoyed of it and asked, "What are you two doing?"

No answer.

"Hello?" I said waving my hand in front of their faces.

"What are you two doing staring at each other?" I asked with an annoyed voice.

"Rosalie, Alice pregnant." Was all they said.


Emmett turned his head and looked at me.

"Alice and Rosalie are pregnant."

"How?" I asked

"I don't know. All we did was sleep with them and then last night they told us that they were 3 months pregnant." Said Jasper

"Great job my brothers! You are going to be daddies!"

They had a frown on the faces.

"Hey what's wrong you're supposed to be happy?"

"We are but we know nothing about pregnancy and we don't want to be running around the house being yelled by our future wives to get that, and this."

"Bella doesn't doing that."

"Well not yet."

"EDWARD!" yelled someone from the stairs.

I got up to see Bella at the stairs crying.

I rushed up to her and hugged her.

"Bella what's wrong?" I said rubbing her back.

"Edward the baby." She sobbed.

"What about the baby, love?"

"It kicked!" she said stopping her tears to show a big smile on her face.

"Huh?" I asked confused

"It kicked! Edward!" she said putting my hand on her big stomach.

I waited for 30 seconds, and then felt a kick. The baby kicked 4 times.

"Edward you want to know what the baby said."

"Yes, love."

"She or he said 'I love you daddy'."

I smiled and bent down to her stomach and said, "I love you too."

I got up and kissed Bella.

"And I love your mother too." I said resting my forehead against hers.

"I love your father too." She said kissing me again.

"Aww isn't that sweet!" said Alice, Rose, and Tanya.

I laughed.

"Ah Rosalie and Alice. Do you know Emmett and Jasper are in the kitchen freaking out about your unborn baby?"

"Really?" they said smiling.

"Yep. Their just looking at each other wide-eyed."


"How is that awesome?"

"It means their worried about how we're going to boss them around."

"Oooo! I got an idea." Said Bella

"Yeah." They said

"Why don't you think of something really gross and say you are hungry and going to eat it. And when they come with it say that you're not hungry anymore and tell them they have to eat it or you'll get really angry."

"Love it! And I got the prefect thing for them to eat." Said Alice.

"I remember Edward telling me that they hate that thing they saw online one day Deep Fried Bat."

"EWWW!" all the girls said.

"How did you even find that?" asked Tanya.

"We were looking for pranks and I accidentally clicked a link and Emmett and Jasper ran out of the room to the bathroom to throw up. It was hilarious!"

"How did you not throw up?"

"I have a strong stomach. I mean I have to, to become a doctor."

"Hmmm. You are good."

"I know." I said smiling.

Then we heard someone coming up the stairs.

It was Jasper and Emmett.

They stopped when they saw Alice and Rose and turned around to run down the stairs but Alice and Rose called them.

"Shit!" I heard them whisper turning around.

"We want something."


"We want Deep Fried Bat." They said smiling.

Their faces turned green, and they said, "Wouldn't that make you throw up?"

"Isn't that a good thing when I'm pregnant? I'll have everything nasty out of me."

"Okay. We'll go and get that Deep Fried Bat." They said turned an even greener green.

They got their jackets and left.

When we heard them close the door we bursted out laughing.

"This will be so funny!" laughed Alice

"I can't wait!" laughed Rose.

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