Chapter two

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        The GREAT picture day

  This is the day of my picture day and I woke up late my mom overslept and my dad had already left for work,so can you guess what happened to me. I bet you can't I slipped on a hangar and then I fell on my arm and broke it. Today was horrible because I broke my arm and my fish died as I slipped on the hanger. Then, my mom's like it'll all get better and left me to flush her. Her name was stormy. She was a angel fish she was purple and blue with a little bit of golden look color she was beautiful. My mom yelled down the hall"kassie,Nicole,Huston get you butt in my room now." I paused and wondered what had I done this time.I knew I was dead because she never used my middle name. Will the good Lord help me. Then she came out her room red to the face and stomping. She said" can you not hear me. I told you come to my room now and why are you still hear." I said " I was trying to get out of bed without hurting my arm.  Then, the next thing I know I blacked out and I'm in some kind of basement . I remember today is picture day and I was sad because I planned to look the best and have my work done in Mrs. Allen and this is horrible. I have no doctor's excuse and now I can't makeup the work. Thanks MOM.

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