Chapter 2

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It was time for class, and Violet was sitting at her desk, dreaming. "Violet?" bellowed her teacher Mr BooBoo. Violet looked up "Sorry Mr PooPoo, I mean BooBoo," she muttered. She couldn't believe she just said that aloud. Some girls snickered. Other girls gasped. Mr BooBoo didn't hear. "Thank goodness," whispered Kay. "Is it something you'd like yo share, Kay?" questioned Mr BooBoo sarcastically. "No," said Kay. Violet was still so embarrassed. All the girls in the class called Mr BooBoo, Mr PooPoo, because he's really mean. The class was sent to work on their essays, and they could work on the floor if they want to. "Wanna go to the BookNook?" asked Violet. "No," declared Ria. "We'll get into trouble. You saw what happened to Brenna," she said, raising her eyebrows. "Let's sit on the floor then, right here!" said Layla cheerfully. Once they sat, of course they chatted, instead of doing their work. All except Fifi. "Guys!" she whispered. "I'll be done my essay today and you girls haven't even started!" The others took no notice. Fifi rolled her eyes and kept writing. Fifi was a good student. She listened in class. She was good at maths, spelling, art and sport. She was really caring and kind. Ria was a quiet girl but not near her BFFs. Violet was a furby and fun- loving friend. Layla was a little miss chatterbox. You just could NOT shut her up. Kay was a smart nice girl. Sometimes a new girl called Sandya came to play. For real, no-one liked her, except Fifi. Sandya was always sticking her teeth on top of her bottom lip and making an angry face. She always pushed everyone and barged in to talk to Fifi. Her best friend Melahni was on holiday in Hawaii, where she came from. Melahni was a really nice girl, but for some strange reason, she was BFFs with Sandya. Lunchtime came. Lunchtime went. Sandya hated Ria, Layla and Fifi's dance routine. "Sandya, Melahni's gonna be back from her holiday soon!" said Layla happily. Another thing about Layla is she was always happy. "Yahoo," mumbled Sandya. Then she piped up. "At least I won't have to play with you losers anymore!" She covered her mouth. Ria gasped. Then Layla gasped. Then Fifi and Violet gasped. Kay didn't gasp. Then she did. The bell rang. They went in, finished school and then went home.

Ah-Doo heard all this. He told Sandya's furby Bee-Tay to come to Violet's house. That would pay that scoundrel back. Violet dumped her bag in the kitchen and ran to her room to play with her furbys. Of course she had fun with them, but then she went to shower. For the first time in forever, Ah-Doo started to worry. This was a very scary time for him. it was.......

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