Imagine finding Ubbe on your shoreline after a storm

Start from the beginning

'What do we do now? Waiting for him to wake up?' Elisabeth asked as she stood against the door to secure that nobody would walk in uninvited. The man laid there, on your bed, still not aware from what was happening to him.
'Check for wounds. Elisabeth, can you grab some medical supplies, bandages, ointments, some herbs maybe. Kenna, you fix some better clothes.' You ordered both your servants.
'If I come back and you are dead I'm going to kill you all over again.' Kenna warned you while walking out. You looked how they both left before turning back to the man. You carefully started to untie his tunic, revealing a muscular chest that was covered with slight scars, a large bruise and a wound at the side crossing his ribs. You looked to his rather peaceful face before lifting your hand. A finger scout a scar over his chest, feeling his uneven skin underneath it. Something in that touch most changed something because his eyes flew open and you startled away from him as he started to cough and push up. He fell from the bed, grunting like an animal. He wasn't panicking, he was looking, confused and you knew it must be weird for him. Seeing those muscles stretch in his body you knew that it maybe wasn't a good idea to harbor a pagan in your room. He could kill you, easily.
'You are safe.' You said, keeping the distance by backing yourself against the wall. The sound of your voice distracted him, he looked around until he found you. A set of blue eyes, the purest blue you have seen in months. He looked more confused as he saw you standing there and your remind yourself that he maybe couldn't talk your language. Lucky for you, you knew five different languages and Norse was one of them. You father instructed you to learn in since the first pagan came on shore years ago. 'You are safe.' You repeated in Norse.
'Where am I?' He asked, pushing himself away from the floor, his face twitched in pain and you swallowed your concern as you saw how tall he was in opposite of you.
'You're in England, west.' You whispered. 'I found you,' you started carefully, looking how he studied his own body. 'on the beach. It seemed like the storm hit your ship, I took you here.' You explained him. He looked back up to you, staring for a very long time. You felt your cheek turn read under his gaze. 'Nobody knows you are here except for me and two servants.'
'I need to go north.' He started looking again, probably for his belt with weapons, a little shaky on his legs.
'You are wounded, exhausted, can I at least treat your wounds, give you something to eat?' You proposed, still standing there against that wall. He started to move, your way and you tensed a little while he closed in, standing still just inches away.
'Who are you?' He asked. You looked away from his chest up into his eyes.
'I'm the princess, Y/n.' You introduced yourself. In the back of your head you were praying that Kenna wouldn't find you death.
'Ubbe Ragnarsson.' He nodded, turning back to the bed and you breathed out relieved. You studied his walk, his braid ... you loved the braid. 'Am I alone?' You startled up out of your thoughts and looked back to him.
'I didn't found anybody else.' You whispered. He didn't seem upset but before you could even state that the door went open and Kenna walked it, startling from the fact he was sitting on the edge. 'Will you be quiet.' You demanded, pushing the door close before anybody could sneak an eye in.
'Is he dangerous?' She asked right away. You looked to Ubbe, he was looking at your servant, something that made Kenna really restless.
'I don't think so. He calls himself Ubbe Ragnarsson.'
'From Ragnar Lothbrok?' She hissed. That name became recognized by Ubbe because he squeezed his eyes together and looked at you, in a way a little more dangerous than before.
'How do you know?'
'You should pay more attention when your fathers talks war. Because Ragnar raided my village when I was nothing more than a child. He is the one they throw for the snakes. His sons came here to take revenge on Aella and King Ecbert. He needs to get out of here, fast.' She stated. You opened your mouth and took the clothes over from her as she walked back to the door. 'I'm not hanging around on of his sons.' She followed while walking out. You slowly turned back to Ubbe.
'She doesn't like you.' You repeated for him. 'Your father raid her village once.' There was nothing more to say.
'That is what we Vikings do.'
'Are you going to kill me? Do I need to be afraid?' You asked straight forward. He looked at you again, that long tempting look turning your cheeks into a flush for a moment.
'No, you saved me.'
'You are not all upset?'
'The gods brought me here for a reason.' He stated. Gods? More than one. You knew the language but hardly more about their believes. Elisabeth walked in and by the looks of it Kenna already said something because she was rather calm. She walked over to the nightstand, not giving him a look and gave you all the medical supplies you asked for.
'Thank you Elisabeth.' You thanked her. She looked at you before she slowly looked to Ubbe.
'Need I be concerned about your safety princess?' She asked you politely.
'Kenna is right, you need to get him out of here. I will make sure nobody disturbs you but,'
'I know.' You nodded. She bowed before leaving the room again. 'This are some clothes that aren't soaked wet. Can I look to the wounds?' You asked, ignoring his intense gaze as you looked to the things Elisabeth brought you. He nodded and laid down again. You rasped your throat and sat down beside him, pushing some cloth in the little bit of water she brought you. You looked at him for a moment before you pushed it on the wound in his side, he tensed but that was all he did. You kept your eyes on the wound, trying not to touch him to much while he was watching you.
'I need to get to the settlement, north.' He said after a while. You looked up to him, grabbing the ointment without looking away.
'I can bring you there.'
'Why are you doing this Y/n.' It sounded strange of his lip but it had a nice tone to it. You looked to his lips, caught yourself on looking to long before you gazed back down to the wound.
'I always help where I can.'
'Even if that is the enemy?' He asked. You looked back up, locking yourself in his blue eyes.
'You don't seem like an enemy.' You whispered. Why did he had this kind of an impact on you? Why was he so calm, almost friendly? Why was he this handsome?
'Maybe, maybe not.' Something of a smile came on his lips. More like a grin but your eyes looked back to it, following the curl the corner of his mouth made. You swallowed the strange feeling in and smeared some ointment out on the wound. 'When can I leave?' He asked you. You took a bandage and he shifted his weight enough for you to wrap him up around his waist. Your fingers scour his skin while bandaging around him, unnecessary more touching, bending over to get around his back. When you were ready you slightly pointed to the wound on his head. 'Do you want me to leave?' He asked.
'Yes off course, you don't belong here. But you should need to rest at least a day before you head back.' You rattled out. He smiled again and it occurred to you that your lips did the same.
'One day.' He nodded.
'One day.' You whispered.

You never had a man before in your bedroom, now there was a pagan for god sakes and he was wounded, in need of rest. You were a polite woman but something between that and his Viking cultures didn't helped you out of the discussion you had. 'I will sleep here on the ground.' You offered, dragging a pillow down to a spot near the window.
'This bed is large enough for two.' He stated. You folded your hands together before your stomach and looked at him in unease. 'Does that make you uncomfortable?' He asked with a slight titled head. The rest he had over the day clearly did him good, he was more energetic, playful almost.
'A little. You are the wounded one Ubbe, you need the rest and for that the comfort, let me give you that.' You nodded towards the bed he already was laying on.
'Why what?'
'Why does it make you uncomfortable?' He asked.
'You are a pagan man, I,' you pressed your fingertips against your lips and looked out of the window. Why did it had the storm on the moment he sailed the seas. 'I never had a man in my bed before. I'm Christian, this is a sin.'
'And I won't talk.' He grinned and you suppressed a smile from your own. He was challenging you to disobey your believes. And you imagined yourself doing it hundred times but never did and here you stood in a nightgown looking to a pagan who was seducing you in your own bed.
'I won't hurt you.' He promised.
'It's not that that I'm afraid of.' You reacted, shuffling over to the bed to sit down on the edge.
'What is then.'
'Nothing.' You reacted rather fast. To give him his way and to shut him up you laid down on the very edge of the bed, gazing into the starting darkness as far away from him as you possible could. You couldn't trust him and yet you did. You couldn't feel anything and yet you did. He didn't say a word, he just ... slept in. Minutes became hours in which you couldn't sleep but at least relaxed a little. You turned on your back and looked aside you in the darkness. His peaceful face was beaconing the darkness around you. You turned on your other side, closer to him and hugged the pillow while you watched him restoring his power.
'Staring is not polite princess.' He whispered. You fingers startled around the pillow but you didn't move an inch. He turned his head and looked at you. 'Can't sleep?'
'Sorry I woke you.' You muttered fast, wanting to turn away from him. He started to move, turning on his side with those animal like groans when he felt the pain of his bruised ribs and wound. 'Don't Ubbe.' You said, concerned about the wounds he had.
'You speak fluent Norse, why?'
'My father instructed me.' You answered, looking to how close he was.
'You don't need to guide me east, drawn me a map and I will find it myself.' He said. You swallowed, searching the blue in his eyes while thinking about his words.
'You are still weakened, I don't want you to all,'
'I'm a pagan, I sustained far more than this. Why do you want to come?' His voice was nothing more than a whisper in the room.
'Maybe I want to taste more of life.' You whispered back. He licked his lips in a soft chuckle.
'And harboring a pagan in your bedroom wasn't good enough?' He joked slightly. You couldn't suppress a soft laugh of your own, hiding your head in the pillow. 'We pagans believe in more than one god. The night of the storm I thought Thor was anger on me, testing me and I survived. Now I believe Odin leaded me to a goal,' he felt silent under your fascinating expressions.
'Go on.'
'There is nothing to go on over, that goal, I think Odin wanted me to come her, for you.'
'Me?' You whispered in disbelief.
'If I ask you to come with me, follow me home, would you do it?' He asked curious. Your mouth felt dried in a moment.
'No. I'm a princess, I need to be here, for my people, my father. Besides, I don't know you.' You explained. You couldn't leave with him, you hardly knew him to begin with.
'Would you miss me? Would you forget me?' He followed.
'Maybe.' You murmured for your own. He was something new, something you wanted to know all about. And how much you denied it, you feel attract by it. Maybe it wasn't love, but a pure curiosity and urge to adventure, either way you wished you could follow him.
'Sleep.' And that was it. He turned back around and you slowly breathed out, ignoring the emptiness you started to feel in your chest.

You stood on the hallway while Ubbe was getting dressed inside your room. Kenna stood beside you handing you a map.
'You sure want to do this?'
'Yes Kenna, I'm getting him out of here, that is what you wanted right?'
'That is what we all want, for our safety and his.' Kenna smiled. You all three looked to the door when it opened and you rushed back in before anybody in the hallway could see him.
'My servant got us two horses and a clear path out. You sure you want to do this?' You asked with a concern look towards his ribs.
'You sure you want me to leave.'
'I can't keep you locked up here forever.' You smiled weak. He looked at you again, the intensive way and you remembered how close he was this night.
'I'm sure.' He nodded. You nodded yourself and you opened the door. Further in the hallway, behind a carpet wall there was a secret door, Kenna gestured that it was all clear and your walked to the carpet that Elisabeth held aside for the both of you.
'Be careful Y/n.' She urged. You smiled at them both and swallowed yourself in the darkness of a secret pass way.
'Is this the way I need to sneak in to visit you.' He asked. You almost trip over one of the stairs because of his words and he caught you by your waist just in time. You looked over your shoulder, feeling the warmth of his hand against your dress.
'We need to get further.' He pulled away and you nodded, leading him all the way through the castle to where it left the kingdom. Two horses stood awaiting you when you came back outside and you both mounted without saying a word.

The road was long and you felt dreadful every minute closer to the east, to where he needed to be. You looked over your shoulder, seeing how he tapped his ribs, just enough to see him bleed.
'You are bleeding again.'
'It's nothing I can't handle.' He such'd when you pulled your horse to a halt. 'Y/n.' He rolled his eyes when you came from the horse.
'It isn't that far anymore.' You gestured him to come down from the horse.
'Then I can handle it. Just tell me how to proceed.'
'Please Ubbe. If you ever command an army that wants to raid my father's villages then I want your people to know I saved you in the hope they will spare me.' You said. He came down the horse and turned around to you.
'Is that what you are scared of, that I will come and take advantage of your kindness?' He asked. You swallowed, pushing his tunic up to look to the stained bandage. You walked back to your horse and grabbed the little ointment and bandages you brought. When you stood back in front of him, ready to threat the wound he laid two fingers under your chin and forced you to look up. 'Is that it?' He asked you. You swallowed, feeling how your eyes got a little blurry.
'Kenna, my servant, says you are a dangerous kind, I try to believe that it's not true. But I hear stories, your father raided her village once, killed her brother, killed her father and he got on with in. I am afraid that this will be exactly what will happen. Your people coming for mine like you all did over the years. Yes, I'm afraid you will take advantage of this.' You whispered, looking away from his face. His fingers shifted, stroking your jaw until he cupped one side of your face.
'I promise, by all my gods and yours that I and my brothers will never do any harm to your lands.' He leveled his eyes with yours and you looked at him, to the gentleness underneath the layers of Viking. 'The only time you will see me back is to see you again. My savior.'
'Hardly.' You murmured.
'I can't be thankful enough Y/n, you saved my life, you risked your own in doing so. For that I will be forever in your depth.' His fingers stroke a strand of hair behind your ear and you couldn't resist on moving your head in his touch. Your fingers wrapped their selves around his wrist as he pulled your head closer. You lost grip over the bandage and the ointment the moment he placed his lips on yours. His facial hair tickled your delicate skin but it didn't matter in any way. You closed your eyes, feeling the warmth spreading through your body as the sweetness of his lips devour yours. His free hand wrapped around your body and you willingly welcomed the warmth of his radiating through his clothes. His forehead rested against yours as he let you breathe through the moment. You opened your eyes and looked into his blue once.
'For my god this is a forbidden love.'
'It's the best kind there is.' He answered you straight forward. You opened your lips and he placed his lips against it, feeding your warmth with his tongue. You breathed in through your nose, strengthening a grip around his shoulders and you felt the intensity of his tongue dancing with yours. It was when your hand pressed against his chest he huffed in pain again. You pulled away and looked down to his chest. 'I need to go.' He announced. You didn't say anything, you bandaged his wound again and looked how he pulled himself back on his horse.
'Follow the river and you will be fine, an hour ride at most.' You explained softly. Your finger clenched around the reins of your horse as he walked on. He stopped and turned a little in the saddle.
'We will see each other again, I won't forget you princess.' He nodded, more the Viking then the wounded man you helped over the past day. You only nodded, forcing a smile on your lips.
'I won't forget you to.' You whispered as he drove on. You kept standing there until he was out of sight, until the little dot was nothing anymore. Your fingers touched your lips, reminding the kiss you shared. Maybe he was right, maybe this was fated to be. Maybe you needed to reunite yourself with a Viking in order to safe battles and lands. But he walked their on his horse and you stood here, a gap filling with nothing only more distance. Would you ever see him back?

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