Chapter Three: Death is inevitable

Start from the beginning

"Well it's actually quite along story, but I'll start from the beginning. I'm not from you're world, in my world you guys are nothing but anime or manga." I say looking at his face seriously as his eyebrows furrowed and he nodded on for me to continue.

"It's honestly a great show and I know everyone's names, how everything will be- almost like telling the future, but I wasn't suppose to end up here. Yesterday I was in my home- my universe- my world- and now I'm here. Well, anyway, I went for a run to stay more active and healthy when I saw this little kid playing with a ball and he went into the street. Now in my world we have cars, it's as fast a horse- maybe even faster. So back on topic, this one guy wasn't slowing down and he was going to kill the kid. Naturally, I ran into the street and shoved the kid out of the way, having the car hit me instead. When I closed my eyes due to the excruciating pain, I reopened them and ended up here. Now with that in mind I know I just arrived here and you have no reason to trust me, but I wouldn't want Mr.Inoichi to go through my memories. The reason is because if he does he'll see the future to everything in this world, and I wouldn't recommend doing that. It'll mess up the whole space time continuum. Also this is really bothering me, Kakashi said I was 17 years old, but I'm 21- at least in my old world I was." Finishing my story I study his face only to see shock written all over. After my words seeped into him, he nodded and soon his shocked face turned into a confused one.

"So (Y/n). Please enlighten me with saying what happened with Kakashi's old squad. Just as proof to see if you're lying or not," Lord Hokage said taking his pipe up to his mouth and puffing out a cloud of smoke.

Sighing I nod and turn my gaze to the ceiling, "okay. Well first off his squad was Obito, Rin, Minato or Lord Fourth. Obito got crushed by rocks during the war, Rin ran into Kakashi's lightening blade, because the three tails was sealed away in her. Then lastly Minato died with his wife Kushina sealing away the nine tails- Kurama- in Naruto." Letting out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in, I shift my gaze to him. Only to see him in complete and udder shock.

"No one you're age knows about Minato. So you have told the truth, you really do know our past and future." Lord Hokage said as his face morphed into one with a gentle smile. A smile that reached his eyes and told me he believed me. "Since you do know what will come, I will not have Inoichi go through you're mind. Instead you will train to become a njnja, and you will be rolled into the academy as soon as possible."

With my eyes widening my lips tugged up into a big goofy grin. "Really? I can be a ninja? Of course, I'll do anything to protect this village! Old man Hokage, I promise I have the Will of Fire in me, no doubt!" I scream happily at him, but once I remember I had Yoko Kurama in me, my smile turned into a frown. "Lord Hokage. In me I have sealed away Yoko Kurama, a spirit fox. When I passed out earlier I spoke to him and he said Minato- Lord Fourth sealed him away in me when he took harbor in my body. Yoko said he was injured in a battle and I had an enormous amount of chakra in me, so after he healed, he would steal all of my chakra and my life with it. Maybe ninja training for me could help suppress him better, but what if it makes it worse?"

Walking towards me he ruffled my hair, "no matter what (Y/n) I know you will be able to keep him in control. So you will become a splendid ninja, because you have the Will of Fire in you. Yoko kurama was a dangerous and powerful summoning animal, but you must have enough strength to keep him at bay for this long. Yoko, before he went rogue and disobeyed his orders was one of the greatest summoning animals of all. Though one question that seems to be popping up repeatedly is how did Minato seal away this fox in you if you were in your world?"

"That's what I asked him, but he grumpily told me 'that's for me to know and for you to find out' or some other kind of annoying words he used. He's so annoying, but I'll keep harassing him until he gives me answers, ya know?" Laughing I beam a smile his way. "Also you never answered my question; do I seriously look seventeen years old?" I ask seriously after my laughing. With a light chuckle from him and shooting me a closed eyed smile, he nods. Walking away from me he goes to the other side of the room where there was a table and picked up a hand held mirror. Walking back to where I was he held it up in front of my face so I could see what I looked like. Gasping as I look into the mirror I see my once normal (h/c) to be a pitch black and long as well, almost long enough to reach my calfs. Then my once (e/c) eyes were green purple-blue mix. Everything else on my face seemed normal though, just like I jumped back in time to when I was younger. My hair and eyes are different, but it doesn't look bad on me so I'll settle for that.

Turning my head to the hokage I nod with a smile. "Thank you for all your help sir, it's great to have you helping me out like this. Also one more question, where will I be staying? And can I get someone to train me, I'll need it," I say with a little smile on my face as I sweatdropped. As the hokage took back the mirror and placed it back on desk in the room he let out a deep belly laugh.

"Oh my (Y/n). You are one interesting girl, yes of course I'll assign Kakashi to be your instructor since you already met him. Also, I will get you an apartment as soon as possible, come to the office when you're healed and I'll take you to it." Ruffling my hair he gave me a gentle smile and turned back around folding his arms behind his back. Walking back towards the sliding door that lead to the hallway where Kakashi and Inoichi are. Opening the sliding door to the hall and walking out only to face Inoichi and talk to him.

"Thank you for coming all the way here, Inoichi. Though it seems we won't be needing your ninjutsu today," looking at him in the face he nods his head in dismissal.

"Are you sure Lord Hokage? Is that the wisest decision considering she knows about us?" Inoichi says raising his voice and lifting his right hand to express his words more. With a silent nod from the Hokage, Mr.Inoichi just puts his right hand down and to the side of him. Bowing to the old man he stands back up straight and walks down the hospital corridor.

"As for you Kakashi. You're new mission is to stick with the child and once she's healed start training her in all ninjutsu, taijutsu, and even genjutsu. Do I make my self clear?" Lord Hokage said sternly to Kakashi as he faced him. Kakashi sweat dropping at the orders and his sudden change in emotion, but quickly recovered and gave a nod to him. "I'll be seeing you soon then, goodbye Kakashi and (Y/n)." As soon as Lord Hokage walked out of my sight I glanced at Kakashi as he begun to close the door. Walking back in he sat in the chair next to my bed, pulling out his Pervy book written by Jiraiya. Sweat dropping at his actions, I feel my eye twitch.

How on earth can he have no shame in carrying that thing around with him. Instead of carrying his book he could probably fit more ninja tools. Has he no shame at all? It's literally just written porn.. literotica.

Staring at Kakashi I see his one eye look back at me.

Taking this opportunity I comment on it, "you really are pervy you know that sensei?" I say with a little laugh escaping my lips and a wide grin spreading on my face.

At my words Kakashi sensei smiles, "I'll have to get used to you calling me sensei. You'll be my first student, don't let it get to your head though," glancing back down at his book he continues reading. Fixing my gaze back up on the ceiling my wide smile doesn't leave my face.

Even though this may be a hallucination, I think I really like it.

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