Chapter 23

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"Why the fuck she isn't waking up?" Was the first thing I heard. I thought I died. Maybe I did. Maybe I'm in hell or heaven I don't know. Everything was dark. My eyes were shut. My throat was dry. I was numb. I was dazed. I couldn't move. I tried opening my eyes but they were glued to each other. I tried to move but I couldn't feel the movement.

"She is moving" someone said.

"Angelina open your eyes please" it was Caroline.

I tried to speak but no word came out. I was getting sick of this. All I could feel was intense stares. I tried harder this time and they did opened for a second or half. Bright light pierced through them. And after a few seconds I adjusted to the light and completely opened them. Caroline was by my side holding my hand. A nurse and doctor were there three other men wearing black uniforms and then the one and only. He was leaning against the wall observing me. He was quite he didn't said a word just looking me straight in the eyes.

"Caroline take care of her" was all he said and went out. The other men followed him too.

"Now tell me what happened?" Caroline asked. The strange thing was that I wasn't feeling any kind of pain or anything maybe because of the amount of pills I could see on my side table.

"I was back there and he just called my name and I was startled and I fell to the water. I don't know how to swim" I said.

"He was so scared. It was the first time I've ever seen him like this in years. He wanted the whole hospital. You scared me. What the hell were you doing in water when you can't swim?" She asked after ranting about how his boss was scared.

"I was enjoying the view" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever girl I'm never letting you go there again" she said. I smiled.

"And yes the boys will be here by 10:00 pm it's 9:20 pm already. If you are feeling good you can come down and see the other side of him" she said. I thought for a second and then I answered.

"Yeah sure I will. I just feel a little hungry give something to eat" I said and she laughed. I wanted to see him. I wanted to see him laugh. I wanted to see his other side. But why I'm so interested in him?

"Be ready by 9:55 pm ok? I'll be down in living room setting things" She said and I nodded.

I opened the closet to reveal the beautiful clothes. I remember the first time but after that nothing like that happened. I took out denim shorts a white tank top and leather jacket. I found some black boots too. They fitted me perfectly. I let my hair fall naturally and I'm not a big fan of makeup but I wanted to try something new. I opened up the drawer filled with cosmetics. After a few minutes I was done. I was satisfied with my look. I came towards the staircase and after a few seconds I realised that I used the wrong one. In this tension I once again lost my balance and waited for to fall on my ass badly but this time I didn't. Same warmth engulfed me. Two arms holding me in place. My eyes were shut but I opened them and my heart started to beat faster. My hair were covering my face slightly but he didn't broke the eye contact and he didn't even left me yet he was still holding me. I remembered something and just then I coughed to break trance I was in. He let me stand on my feet.

"I'm sorry. I forgot about the staircase" I mumbled quietly.

"Following the rules. Good progress" he said.

"You can use these stairs by the way" he said and started to move. I wanted to ask him something but then I realised that I don't know his name. This is weird. I'm loving in his house more like forced to live in his house but I don't even know his name. All Caroline says is 'He' 'Him' 'His'. His name mustn't be Styles at least. So I changed my question.

"Listen?" I followed him down. He stopped and look behind.

"I've a question" I said.

"Only one" he agreed and I nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked. Something flashed through his eyes which I couldn't quite understand. After a few seconds he replied. It felt like he went into a trance. He was thinking what to say but he couldn't form words. He looked at me from down there and that was the first time I noticed how perfect his  face is. Look at his sharp jaw bone. His lips. His eyes. His perfect toned body. It was so dreamy. His dressing was like if he was some model or something. I was staring and then he spoke.

"I don't like people except for my friends and family to call me by my real name" he said and I internally rolled my eyes of course he don't.

"I was just asking your name" I said.

"Let me finish" he said.

"It's" he said and stopped like rethinking it that if he should tell me or not.

"Harry Edward Styles" He replied and in a swift movement he was already down waiting for me to join him.


Authors Note:
Hello everyone!
Hope you all doing great!
I know this is odd that she didn't knew his name but she didn't. The boys are coming in the next chapter be ready. And for Zigi fans I'm not against them or infact anything like that I instead love them both but in this story they'll have many big ups and down and they may not have the same relationship they've offscreen so never mind. 
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