Chapter 22: Key*

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"Hmph!" The grunt snorted and turned around to take a call on his holocaster from that female admin I met back in the cave, the one that was oddly different and didn't even seem like she cared about her own team. Calem stared at the girl hard, looking confused, but ignored it and helped me up "roger that!" The grunt turned back to us with a glare and ran off without saying anything else

"That was weird" Calem crossed his arms. I dust myself off and watched Fennekin run over all proud. I smiled, letting Pichu down so it can give its congratulations. Calem held my shoulder, like he was giving me sympathy for failing the first time. I didn't want to push him away or give him any attitude for feeling sorry for me. I feel sorry for myself

"You were great, Sophie"

"You don't have to lie to me" I looked down "I don't want you looking down at me... I just... can't battle like you can"

"You're getting the hang of it! Fennekin is more experienced than Eevee, so keep training them. I'll be helping you" I nodded, knowing I was looking down at myself, I could feel Pichu staring at me for some reason...

During the walk through the graveyard, Team Flare grunts flooded the area. Calem took care of most of them while he assisted me on my own battles. It took allot of me not to snap at every grunt I see and demand to know where my sister was, but Calem did most of the talking and got nothing

The town up ahead was covered in stones. It was so amazing that I almost didn't even see Calem run off to chase a grunt "huh?" I watched him run off before I head off to the Pokémon center. Eevee and Fennekin recovered well and were now eating their meals with Pichu. Pichu simply looked at the plate it was sharing while I purchased something from the mart

"Is something wrong?" I asked, taking out what I bought as I leaned down to wrap it around it's neck. Careful not to touch it with my hands, I wrapped gifts around all my Pokémon. Pichu had something that was different from the rest though "since you're not leaving my sight, I figured you should wear a bell just in case I need to find you. You can't get very far, so a bell sound should be good for me to hear where you are" I looked at the others "you guys have actual tags, just in case I lose you. I know I'm not the best trainer and am pretty much crap, I can at least do this much before I hand you off to my sister when I leave Kalos" I can't take these two with me back home. Not only have I not conquered my fear of touching them, but it's not allowed. Pichu has papers and can easily come back home with me. The others don't deserve a pathetic trainer such as I

They didn't like what I said and started crying "I don't want to hear whining. I already made up my mind..." I sighed "finish your food, you're staying in Kalos. That's final" trying to protest by not eating, they failed miserably and finished their food. We were off to find Calem probably still roaming around the town

"Lucario! Where are you going?!" Someone yelled out. I turned around to see a familiar Lucario approaching me. This has to be...

The girl, Korrina, from the security cameras back in the daycare, the one who dropped off Serena's Pokémon, came skating over. "Lucario! What's gotten into you?" She looked at me, staring at my eyes and face as if she was trying to read me. Lucario smiled and stood next to me. I moved a bit, not wanting to get too close "huh.." she held her chin to think "this kind of reminds me..." she thought to herself before looking back at me "sorry, I was just remembering something! Hi!" I nodded my head "it seems my friend's Lucario got a interest in you" her friend... so it does belong to Serena "I'm taking care of it while she's being found"

"Yes... I'm aware. You took the rest of her Pokémon to the daycare center" she looked surprised

"How do you know that?" Calem showed up out of nowhere "oh! Calem! What a surprise!" She smiled. Lucario looked at me, offering its hand. Looking away made it cry in confusion. It kept staring at me while the two in front of me talked. Even the Lucario that belonged to the Korrina stared at me, like it felt my uneasiness

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat