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As I open my eyes, I suppress a scream as my fist flies straight into the air. Dark chuckles at my fright, catching my fist as he leans above me, our faces inches apart. My brow furrows in frustration as he gazes down at me.

"Good morning," he smirks.

Jesus fucking Christ. I sigh, "How long have you been watching me?" He only chuckles.

"No 'good morning' back? How rude." Dark sits up, ignoring my question.

I roll my eyes, reluctantly getting out of bed. I look at the clock and groan. Though I feel well rested, it's only three in the morning. A glance out my window confirms that my clock hasn't been tampered with.

"Why the hell am I awake?" I say, more so to myself. When I catch Dark chuckling out of the corner of my eye, I turn to him, glaring. "What the hell did you do?"

He smiles innocently, smothering his expression in a faux sense of care. "I merely gave you a good night's rest." I roll my eyes again, seeing that he was obviously up to something.

"Why? You'd never be nice to me just for the sake of being nice," I ask, skeptically.

Dark grabs my arm gently, though I can tell that moving away from him isn't an option. He pulls me to my open laptop, which turns on with a screen full of static. As I look into it, it seems to surround me, plugging my ears and fogging my vision. My mind feels fuzzy, but the subduing of my senses lessens as the static fades into simple blackness.

Once I have the mind to do so, I ask, "What're you doing? Didn't you already give me a nightmare?"

It's as if his laughter echoes through my head, reverberating off of the insides of my skull. This time, the blackness feels open and I feel vulnerable, like I'm in a field at night with no moonlight. I turn in the darkness, trying to see anything at all.

I'm rapidly thrown and held against a wall by some unseen force, but I can sense it in front of me. I assume it's Dark. He's holding me by the throat against a wall, but leaving me just enough space to breathe. Having his laughter bounce through my head is not just unsettling, but beginning to become extremely painful. Suddenly, I'm let go and fall into a chair. A single large light turns on above me.

Despite the light, I still can't really see Dark. My head is still pounding from his chuckles and added eerie whispering, like all of my worst fears and insecurities are reminding me of their presence. The commotion in my head clouds my thought and conscious wit, causing everything to appear blurry and distorted. In his dark grey suit, the demon looks more like a moving shadow rather than a humanoid form.

"Don't worry," he says soothingly. "This is just another nightmare."

That doesn't make me feel any better, I groan.

Dark's hand reaches forward, but I can't move away. My arms and legs are strapped to the chair I'm sitting on, rendering me immobile. His hand makes contact with my forehead, moments later causing a sharp, shooting pain to strike through my body, like bolts of electricity. I jerk and convulse, my body desperately attempting to run from the pain. I barely manage to hold back the screams, only letting small growls to escape me.

"Not a bad pain tolerance. Many would've screamed, by now," he kind of compliments.

A low, spine-tingling growl echoes through the room, and it takes me a moment to realize it came from me. I didn't even know I could make that sound, I think in astonishment.

Before I can process it further, Dark's hand administers another round of pain, this one feeling like my entire body is beginning to cramp. Everything is tense and strained. My sounds of pain have returned to normal, and the strange growl hasn't escaped my lips since the first time.

I'm Here to Help You (Darkiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now