02: Left Hanging

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Aliesa P.O.V
I walk into the library my arms full of notebooks I've taken out of my locker. I look around for the librarian and see him sitting behind a desk.

Not by the entrance but near the back.

"Um, excuse me sir?" He looks up with a surprised look it's as if he didn't notice me until just now.

I'm pretty sure that the door was loud when I closed it.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He stutters pushing his glasses up on nose.

I push his uneasiness to the back of my mind and step closer.

"Oh, I'm looking for some books for my classes and a copy of Romeo and Juliet." He walks from behind his desk and his hands are stained with a thick red liquid. He wipes his hands on his pants and points in a random direction.

"Um, most of the class books should be over there. And Shakespeare is in that aisle over there with S. If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask." He grins with a crazy look in his eyes.

I smile as a thanks and quickly walk to the shelves he pointed to and grab my Latin book along with the rest of my class books. I cross the library and go to where the Shakespeare books are.

I gently run my finger across the books reading each title. I finally reach Romeo and Juliet to see that they're brand new. I scoff I would expect as much seeing as this school is owned by Gotham's most suitable bachelor.

After I grab the book I add it to my already heavy load I carry it to the check out desk. I don't see the librarian  anywhere. I feel something squish as I step forward.

I lift my foot and see red stuff on the bottom of my new shoes.

Backing up a couple of feet I see a thick crimson red colored liquid coming from behind the liberian's desk. I take in a shaky breath and walk around the desk.

I bend down and look under the desk into dead green eyes.  The young female's neck cut blood still pouring out. I let out a startled cry falling back. It's not the liberian I saw before. Dropping all of the books in my arms I back away. A scream stuck in my throat. I stand up and turn around the same librarian from before standing behind me with a knife.

I scream grabbing the closest thing, which happened to be my huge Latin book. I swing it at his head a crack heard throughout the library as his head turned the other way.

I stomp on his foot and punch him in the throat before running towards the doors. I pull the handle. Its locked. I look around panicking and grab a metal chair before backing up and launching it at the glass door.

It breaks some of the glass cutting my legs as I run through the door. I'm screaming bloody murder and no one seems to notice.

I stop screaming and finally hear the quickly approaching footsteps rushing after me. I grab the knob next to me and walk into the classroom. I lock the door and put a metal stool against the knob.

Turning around I see a pair of green eyes looking into mine. Without thinking I grab his arm and pull him down under the window on the door covering his mouth.

"Come out, come out wherever you are. I'm not gonna hurt ya girly. I just want to make you smile." He exclaims a crazy laugh ringing through the hall.

"Alesia, what the hell was that?" Damian whispers as a shadow stops in front of the door I grab his hand and pull him to the opposite side of the door in case he decided to look under the door.

"There's a body in the library." I we whisper so low I doubt he even heard me. I start crying silently as the fake librarian jiggles the door knob I wipe my tears and my phone starts to vibrate he stops and puts his ear to the door.

Thinking quickly I grab my phone from my pocket turning the volume down. I reach into Damian's pocket and grab his phone doing the same. He walks away from the door his footsteps fading away step by step.

Out of all the times this could've happened, it just had to be my first day. I look over at Damian and notice how well he's taking this.

He must have a shit load of villains after him seeing as his father is Bruce Wayne.

"There's someone in the school." he rushes over the phone. "Gotham academy...No I can't identify the man. He's already killed someone." He ends the call before the other person finished talking. Most likely about pranking the police.

He goes to his contacts and clicks on someone named KDY. "Peterson, I need you to come to the school this instant something's happened and I can't really go into details. We're in room 15." The KDY guy responds immediately and the calls cut in seconds.

I try to keep my breathing even as Damian looks back at me.

"Damian, the worst place to die is school. Even if your dad owns it."

He looks at me with an unreadable expression before the glass window on the door breaks and the mans pale face is seen.

"Hello girly." He grins his mouth cut open on the edges all the way to his cheekbones. I looked at his red stained lips and crazy eyes. The man in front of me with only a door separating us was none other than the Joker himself.

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