Rules and Regulations

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1.You should have atleast 1 club and you should always be active.

2.You can fight outside the academy but be sure you're gonna go home ALIVE.(gangster)

3.You can do anything as long that you maintain the grade 90.

4.You can drink alcoholic beverages as long you know your limit.

5.You can make out as long you use comdoms and take responsibility if you make her Pregnant and Abortion is not allowed.

6.Illegal Drugs is Strictly Prohibited.

7.No one is allowed to cry inside the Academy.

8.HBA students must win always in all aspects.

9.Weaklings are not allowed to study at HBA.

10.Bawal ang revealing na damet.

11.The Principal is always right and if she is wrong remember that she is always RIGHT + Stay Alert Always of the Academy Owner's Pranks.

Disobey the rules is equal to 1-2+ weeks suspention it depends on how many rules you disobey.

HeartBREAK Academy (Open Enrollment)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon