For some reason this guy made me nervous. His eyes were finally open up into a gorgeous green that really contrasted with the rest of his dark hair and tanned skin. If this kid were just walking around my neighbourhood I would take the liberty to “admire from a distance” his beauty. And what I mean by “admire from a distance” I mean stalking. What? Everyone does it.

Unfortunately, he must have noticed my checking me out because his mouth formed a smirk and his deep voice came, “If you didn’t want any sexy time with me, can you please explain why I am currently shirtless?” Oh right about that…

“Well, long story short. You were dropped off by these people you refer to as ‘they’ and you were all cut up and I needed to see if you were hurt on your torso too so.... Yeah,” after my whole explanation an awkward air filled the room and it was practically suffocating my soul and social ability.

“I don’t need your help,” this boy’s voice cut through the air like a blade and I feel he did that just to stop this whole situation from being a 7 on the awkward scale to a 10. He tried to sit up, and as he did my eyes couldn’t help but wander the flexing muscles on his exposed chest. Catching myself I avert my eyes to a corner of the room where a lamp stands, I bet he was just showing them off. My eyes don’t stay in the corner for long because I hear a rather loud groan come from mystery boy.

“Slow down tiger, you can’t really move. Here,” I place the painkillers and glass of water in his hands, “Take these, should help with your ouchies” I smile but receive as if I was as crazy as one of those One Direction fans. I’ve never really been into that kind of stuff, but I can be a little insane at times. But this was not a time where I felt my wild inners coming out; I seem completely normal to the human eye. Maybe he’s an alien…

After this alien boy finishes off the medication he just stares at me. Feeling incredibly uncomfortable I rush to the supply room I grab a large thick blanket and a few pillows. When I return I see Mr. Mysterious Alien taking a swig of the vodka bottle we used to disinfect his wounds. The bottle was half empty when we used it but now it was almost polished off. Laying the blankets and pillows on the bed I snatch the bottle and place it on a table far from the bed.

“Thanks, I was done with it anyway,” laughter fills his voice as he speaks. His laugh is both such an annoying yet wonderful sound it frightens me slightly. I notice he’s removed the bandages we placed on his forehead and lip. They seem have to done their job because his blood has stop its trickling ways.

Suddenly remembering the enrolment sheet I walk swiftly to one of the drawers and pull out a sheet, clipboard and pen. I sit on the bed because my butt was getting numb from the plastic chair so I decide the bed would be much better for it. Although my butt does relax under the puffy mattress I receive another crazy look from the guy sitting beside me.

“Sorry if I’m invading your bubble, but could I ask you a few questions, sugar?”  I glance up to meet his eyes then remove the contact to look down toward the ‘fill in the blanks’ section. This guy starring at doesn’t really give me the best self-esteem, his green orbs are basically judging my every move and it seems my insecurities are growing by the second.

“What’s your name?” I ask

“Ryan.” He replies simply

“Got a last name?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“Gosling.” His bleeding lip goes up into a smirk. This would seem disgusting to me but something made him work a bleeding lip if that sounded strange enough. It wasn’t gushing, it was starting to stop but the shape of his smile was crooked and broken almost.

“Seriously?” I roll my eyes and scoff. This joker sure acts cool for someone who was nearly dead on the street. “You can trust me, I’m not one to call people by their last name anyway. So what is it actually?” I try to make eye contact but he seems a very closed in.

“It’s Reynolds.” 

“Liar.” I roll my eyes, tired equals grumpy, let’s put it that way. 

“Gosling, Ryan Gosling,” right now, I would most likely slap his already beat up face, but he lifted one eyebrow and distracted me. Cursed eyebrow talent!

“I’m not as gullible as you think honey. I know those are very hot, sexy, actors. Plus Ryan Reynolds is my favourite actor right under Johnny Depp. You’re not messing with a fool boy. This is a movie gal you’re trying to trick. Just tell me your last name so I can go home.” I huffed starting to get really frustrated with this stranger.

“It’s Ryan Higa,” He looked up at me. His eyes didn’t hold honesty but instead were filled with extreme amusement.

“Come on! I’m a fan of Ryan Higa too, I mean who wouldn’t never not love a big bouncy inflatable green ball,” not realizing my words sped up as I went through the sentence. My gaze went back to him to see his widen eyes blink twice. A glaze look went over them and he seemed to be either shocked or in deep thought.

Snapping my fingers in front of him brought this mystery back to reality. Trying to identify if he was serious or not was like reading a book with giant complex words. They puzzle you because you don’t know well enough to understand what they mean

“Would you stop saying that?” the guy softly yells. My eyebrows scrunch together.

“Saying what?” I question, confused by his sudden outburst.

“Calling me couple names! I don’t even know you!” His cheeks start to redden, instead of letting my frustration get the best of me, I ask ever so politely.

“My name’s Mari Hart. What’s yours, sugar?”

“It’s Ryan Hills. Ryan f*cking Hills okay? There! God you’re so annoying!”

Seconds later, I rise and walk toward the door and open it saying, “at least I’m not stupid Ryan Hills,” I drag out his name as if to flaunt it, “you can sleep here and if you want to continue our conversation you’d stay until Mel, our nurse, comes in to help you with the rest of your injuries. Sleep well, good night.” I calmly shut the door and walk toward my awaiting ride.

A Sheltered HeartWhere stories live. Discover now