Chapter 2:Getting ready

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~Lilly's POV~
I woke up and stretched every inch of my body before leaping off my bed i do my usual like brush my teeth and hair put on clothes blahhh,when i got done doing my stuff i grabbed my backpack and started heading to Jade's house to see if she's ok.I walk up her porch and right when i stopped in front of the door,there she was.Good as new "COME ON LETS GOO I WANNA SEE IF YOU GET PICKED!!!" she yelled childishly "ok ok im trying to calm down right now even though im FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!! I just dont wanna seem eager in front of them or they might not choose me." I said with a normal face "ok yeah you're right come on lets go." she said walking off her porch "ok." i said following her

-TIME SKIP-at school-

"Ok so on the paper it said to go to the gym soo lets go there!" i said excitingly "ok lets gooo!" Jade said grabbing my arm and running to the gym.We get to the gym and open the doors "wow this place is packed with emos and depressed!" I said mad as hell."look she might be here cuz she's calling out the person who goes" Jade suggested "THAT MAKES IT WORSE SHES 10000000% NOT GANNA PICK ME!!!" I yelled throwing my hands up in the air "chill out gurl go up there and just be yourself if you dont get picked then i will help you sneak in the rocket ship." Jade said rubbing my back.I smiled and walked in the crowd of people "OK EVERYONE LINE UP AND WE WILL PICK WHO WILL GO TO SPACE!!!" one of the astronauts said on the microphone.Everyone lines up and the astronaut looks at us closely.He stops when he sees me,i look over at veronica,she was giving me a death glair.Looks like she wanna go to space to."whats your name? Age? And birthday?" the astronaut questioned."my name is Lilly Chan im 16 and my birthday is April 8th" i said normally while i mentally freaked out "oookkkk...." he said and walked off.When he got to Veronica he paused then went in front of the room."OK EVERYONE THE PERSON WHO IS GAMNA GO ISSS.......LILLY CHAN!!!!" he said.I jumped up and down i looked back at Jade and she gave me a big smile and jumped up and down with joy.Veronica walks up to me and said  "your not special just cuz your ganna go to space so dont even think about hanging out with one of my friends dip shit" she said then turned around flipping her hair.The astronaut walked up to me and said "and cuz your ganna go to space tomorrow heres a 'skip-a-day' pass.Give it to your teacher and then you can go home and get some rest." "wow thanks" i said with a little excitement in my voice still trying to act cool.We exchanged goodbyes and left with Jade "OMG OMG OMGGGG!!!" me and her said in sync "imma give this to Mrs.Perez and leave as quickly as possible! I cant stand another minute here!" i said "yeah imma throw up on her desk so i can go home to" Jade said makeing us both laugh.I walk to Mrs.Perez's room and give her the note "hmmm ok now LEAVE" she said screaming the last part out.Jade throws up on Mrs.Perez's desk "EWWWW JASMINE CLEAN THIS UP AND JADE AND LILLY GET OUT NOWWWW!!!!!!!" she screams.Me and jade runs out the class and the school building.

-Time Skip-at home in bed-

"Wow" i said to myself as i drifted off to sleep.

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