His craving to my goodbyes and everything in bettween

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I say bye
Even though I wanna kiss your lips.
Give me your secrets
And keep mine
And I won't have to say goodbye.
Just wanting
To crave you.
I need your love
But everyone's
Stopping  that.
I don't know why,
But I'm wanting you.
Your lips
Taste like
Fire from hell.
But the burn
It feels so good.
Your eyes
Remind me
Of shooting stars.
These shooting stars,
Hitting me so hard
In the heart.
Your soft locks
Feel like a dandelion.
So smooth to the touch,
And glimmering light of blond.
Your teeth
Like tigers.
Bitting hard,
Making me crave you more.
Your hands
Like kitten paws and claws.
Rubbing me,
Then pulling my skin
Open to the sides.
Your heart
It's fierce.
Beating fast like a cheetah,
But craving something like me.
Your my craving
The one I'm beggin for.
Love I'm sorry I said good....


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