Chubby!Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)

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Posted on: September 25

~If you have seen the anime then you know that Kyo is a zodiac and basically can't get hugged by the other gender (who is not a zodiac). But I'm just gonna change their rule into they won't change when they like someone also Yuki is very out of character 0-0~

"Hey Kyo~" Yuki looked over at Kyo teasingly, which Kyo only sighed.


"You know that (h/c) haired girl in your class? I totally think you two would be good for each other."

"...and why is that?"

"Because, and get this, You're both fat!" Yuki shoves Kyo by his shoulder, playfully but Kyo barely moved.

"Hey! Watch your mouth rat! You insult me all you want, but leave her out of this!"

"Ooooh, already defensive of her? Seems you already like her!" Yuki walks around Kyo and leans in, smirking.

"N-no! Damn rat!"

"Don't get your tail in a twist, Chubyo, I only want to help you get a girl." He smirks while Kyo just huffs.

~At Shigure's House~


"Yes, Yuki?"

"Chubyo has a crush!"

"No, I don't!" Kyo's face turned a faint pink at the mention of the girl.

"Who is this girl?"

"She has (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and is fat like Chubyo too!"

"Well isn't that wonderful?"

"I'll be up in my room if you need me." Kyo says as he heads towards the staircase in a grumpy mood. Shigure and Yuki could hear Kyo thumping up the steps to his bedroom.

"Hi guys, I'm home!" Tohru says as she has two bags of groceries in her hands.

"Why are you both standing there? What happened with Kyo?" Tohru sets the groceries down in the kitchen and heads back out to the den room, Shigure and Yuki look at each other and smirk.

"Nothing, besides that Chubyo has a crush on a girl in his class~" Shigure says in a teasing voice.

"You know, you guys should dial back on the jokes about his weight. That doesn't seem to help him." Tohru says in a sympathetic voice.

"It's just natural to us, sorry Tohru." Shigure and Yuki said as they hung on each other's shoulder.

Tohru sighs and shakes her head and heads to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

~~Kyo's POV~~

Everyone makes out that being heavier is a bad thing, is it really?

I know that not as many girls come to me because I'm heavier, but at least I know that when she comes around she will be genuine.

And she'll know that I'm genuine.

I should start talking to (y/n) tomorrow.

~~The next day at school~~

All throughout the day today, I noticed that (y/n) kept her head down and did not talk to anyone. I was worried about her since she isn't normally like this. When the bell signals the end of the day, (y/n) gets up quickly and heads out of the room.

I follow behind her at a fast enough pace to see where she is going. She heads towards the back of the school and I lose her for a second. I go out the same door and see that it seems she is waiting for someone.

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