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Hey, yes, I know this chapter is late. For the last of these chapters, I have absolutely no schedule. I could update again tomorrow, or next week- I have no clue. I won't make the wait ridiculously long, like a month, but I've been so busy lately and it's been hard to find the time and inspiration to write. Enough of that, enjoy your chapter ^-^

*Ever's POV*

"Ever, a few weeks ago, I got the results from the test back."

Ray, Mikey, and Frank came storming in, Frank perching in the end of my bed expectantly, Mikey and Ray behind him with anxious looks on their faces.

I remained silent, waiting for her answer.

"I-I'm pregnant, Ever!" Tears began streaming down her face as she leaned into me, and I was sobbing as well. I handed her a handkerchief I kept by my bedside, and Rikki wiped her face.

"How-how did this happen?" Ray sputtered. Rikki sighed in response.

"Do you remember the summer before 7th grade, when you didn't see me for a week?" Rikki asked. I nodded. "My parents...they passed away."

"Oh, Rikki." I shook my head, "Why didn't you tell me? You could have stayed here!"

"Your dad hated me, there was no chance I could. Anyway, after their funeral, I ran away from the social workers. I ran into a trashy bar, it was the only thing open at that hour of night, and no one ever asked my age or for my ID or whatever. I sat down and asked for a plain water. Then I was asking for whiskey- shot after shot. By the time I was piss drunk, The bartender, Bob, asked me what was wrong. I ended up spilling my guts, and he called Bill, the owner, down. He said I looked old enough, so he gave me the spare room upstairs and said I could work to make up for it. At first I was just a simple waitress, and even began to bartend."

Rikki paused, taking a deep breath. "But, when school started up that year, and Bill had to pose as my uncle an pay school taxes, he said I had to work harder. So..." She trailed off, on the verge of tears once again.

"You became a prostitute?" I filled in.

"Yeah." She breathed. "And now...I'm pregnant."

*Gerard's POV*

I walked into the school, my bag thumping against my thigh with every step. I kept my head down, hoping, praying, that no one would notice me.

I made it to my locker with no casualties, and even to homeroom. I took my seat in the back of the classroom, immediately getting my sketchbook and graphites.

"I'm glad the bitch is gone." Two girls, a redhead and a small, mousy girl with freckles sat behind me.

"I know right?" Said the redhead. "Remember when she poured her soup on Jasmine. She, like, didn't even do anything to her."

My ears pricked at the familiar information. They were talking about Ever!

"Yeah, her and her ratchet-ass hoe of a best friend. I wouldn't be surprised if they got themselves pregnant." Sniffed freckles.

"Yeah! I mean, they're always hanging out with those high schoolers. They're probably on drugs and have, like, AIDS or something."

I stewed silently as the two girls gossiped, and eventually pit my earbuds in and listened to music until the bell rang.


By the end of the day, I had heard two more accounts on Ever's disappearance. One girl stuck with the story of pregnancy, and Jasmine said she was in a mental hospital.

I sighed in relief as I walked out of the school, breaking out of the herd of kids and towards the road leading to home. But, as if Fate just heard my sigh of relief at getting out of school home-free, and was like ha, nice try, bitch, I heard footsteps following behind me.


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