Bad News Hurts... But So Does Love

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“What have you done, Damien?” I hissed and took a step towards him, he couldn’t have done what he was saying. Lucy couldn’t be dead because Grace couldn’t face it and I didn’t want her to have to.

         “Well what do you think I’ve done?” He took a step towards me, suddenly brave because I’d followed him more like a guard than his equal for as long as I had been here. No more. “Come on, Dimka.”

         “You don’t ever call me Dimka.”

         Damien laughed. “You’ve just found out that Grace’s best friend has been murdered – and she has – through my order and your biggest problem is that I called you Dimka?” He paused when I just stood there glaring at him; the truth was that I had no idea what to say to him. “It’s like you said: Grace is never going to be with me while you’re in the way and killing would just immortalize you in her mind, making it worse, so the only thing I had left was to make her hate you.”

         “So you had her best friend in the world, the only family she had left, murdered for your own petty gain? And how exactly is she meant to hate me when it’s you that organized all of this?”

         “That girl meant nothing to me so she was just another obstacle to overcome.” He stepped forward until he was face to face with me, a cynical smile on his face. “And who is she going to believe, the guy who doesn’t have any interest in her best friend or the guy who promised her that he would keep her best friend safe no matter what so long as she behaved?” Oh God he was going to blame this on me and what was worse was the fact that he was right, I had promised her that and she’s just openly defied me in front of everyone.

         “And without Lucy and the blame on me she will have no one to turn to but you right?” He took a step back and smirked.

         “You catch on quick brother, shame it wasn’t quick enough. See you at the ball.” He walked away and all I did was watch because I had bigger problems to deal with before I dealt with him, like trying to find a way to tell Grace before he could find some vindictive way to do so.


I swung again and George jumped back, narrowly missing my fist with a laugh. We’d been practicing for hours because I couldn’t sleep, something just didn’t feel right, and George had decided that I was too dangerous to be by myself when I was in a grumpy mood. I think he was just worried about me and didn’t want to tell me; I had angered a lot of guards last night. It didn’t matter because I was grateful for the comfortable company. He was the first person – vampire – that I’d met here who didn’t have an ulterior motive for being my friend.

         “You punch like a girl.” He joked and ran in to slap my arm and move away in time so I couldn’t reach him. He may not be the strongest of the vampires I’d faced but he was certainly one of the brightest and that made him one of the best fighters. He was even on a level with Dimitri because I was struggling to land a blow.

         “What a coincidence, so do you.” He laughed and the sound was contagious. “Right the first person to get pinned has to say the other is the better fighter, agreed?”

         “Agreed.” He seemed to go still like a tiger stalking his prey so I readied for his pounce. A few minutes later we were still circling each other and I blew out a breath getting bored. “You do realise we have to start getting ready for the ball soon-” He lunged low and smacked straight into my knees, causing my whole body to come crashing to the ground and he didn’t lose his advantage, clambering up my body until he was straddling me and had my hands above my head.

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