I aimed and pulled the trigger, watching his phone fly to pieces. He looked at me and I felt pity and slammed my foot on the gas pedal causing the tires to make a shrieking sound. I drove to headquarters swinging the door open.

"Dre!", I screamed.

"Kanai calm down we have visitors", Dre said calmly.

"You told me no witnesses. None! Yet there was one and he look straight at me! In my eye!"

"Jacob will get over it trust me."

"How do you know him?"


"So you know him and he probably already knows me. Nigga you know he's probably going to kill me!", I said even though I really wasn't worried.


"You say he will but i don't believe he will for a long time. That was his girlfriend."

"How would you know?"

"Do your research on a bitch before you kill them."
I put my hand over my mouth and began slightly shaking as if I was going to cry. I walked back inside slowly. I planned on going to my room but my body forced me to Jacob's.

I got under his covers and looked up at the ceiling. Why would Dre assign me to her. Why couldn't he had chosen someone else? God, I feel like he knew that would ruin me somehow. I dont know. I just need to take a nap for a second and deal with this when I wake up. Lord let that be a long time from now.

I closed my eyes feeling tears fall. Probably because I had just ruined a friendship and the guilt was overwhelming at the moment. Or Im not crying and my eyes were just dry.

Yeah, I like that answer better.


I needed to calm down so I had drove to a park and sat at a bench looking out at the water that stood far from the park.

I had went home after 4 hours. It didnt even seem like it was that long. I decided to go home but I decided to pick up pizza after Ray told me they haven't ate yet.

As the door swung open I walked inside setting the 4 boxes of different pizzas on the island.

"Aye! Jacob you the man!", Ray said grabbing a plate. "Aye the pizza here!", he yelled. Everyone came downstairs besides Kanai.

Once i grabbed my plate of pizza I walked upstairs to my room. I took my shoes and sat my plate on my bed. I took a glance at Kanai and walked into the bathroom.

I backed out of the bathroom seeing Kanai layed out in my bed. I walked over to the side she was facing and took the covers off of her face. You could tell she was crying from the dried up tears on her face.

"Nai", I shook her.

"Leave me alone babe", she turned to the other side. I like the sound of that. I walked downstairs and grabbed a plate of each pizza and walked back upstairs with it.

"Aye where you going?", Ray asked.

"Bringing this up to Kanai"

"Oh yeah I heard her cry for an hour before she went to sleep, what did you do?"

"Nothing", I finished the conversation by walking upstairs not looking back. I put her plate on my side table. "Nai", I shook her again.

"Babe I aint telling you again. Leave me the...... alone", she mummbled turning and facing me.

"Nai, come on now", I then shook her harder. Her eyes opened before she shot up ready to hit someone. "Aye calm down", I put my hand on her shoulder as she calmed down. I looked behind me grabbing the plate. "I brought you pizza one of each.", I handed it her. She looked down at it smiling.

"Thanks", her raspy voice said. She moved a piece of hair out of her face and began getting out if the bed.

"You dont have to go.", she looked at me like I was crazy.

"I just thought-"

"Nah, I was overreacting. It really wasnt your fault Dre assigned her to you.", I shrugged my shoulders and bit into my pizza, sitting next to her.

"Oh, um okay.", she grabbed a hair tie off of the side table snd put her hair into a bun before taking a bite of her first slice.

"So I heard you were crying for an hour after I left.", she kept her head down continuing on eating her pizza.

"Who told you that?"


"Yeah, I-uh cried but I highly thought it was for an hour.

"Its okay Kanai", I said rubbing her back.

"I know its just, the boys'- I mean your facial expression. Ive never seen someone so hurt that it hurt me", she said looking at me.

I could tell she took glances at my lips before looking back at my eyes. I grabbed her face and kissed her. Once I pulled away I turned back to the TV taking another bite of my pizza. I could see her in the corner of my eye grinning while looking down.

"So, who told you I would eat 4 pieces of pizza, if I can barely eat one without getting full?", she asked smiling.

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