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"We go from talking until 2 am, to 2 hours a day, to 2 minutes a day, to 2 days ago, to never."

"I'm sorry for not being who you wanted. You'll never know how much I tried."

"You can give love everything you have but that doesn't mean love will give you anything in return."

I'm finally letting you go. There's so much more to life than wishing you'd come back to me. I wasted too much time already, overthinking and blaming myself for your mistakes. So I'm letting all the laughs we shared, the memories we built, the way you kissed me, slip away. It's time to move on with my life, the same way you did with yours.

"We were never meant for each other. But I'm glad that even for a sheer moment. It felt like we were."

"Why should I spend my time chasing after someone who doesn't want me back?"

I'm not sorry for wanting what I deserve and I'm not afraid to walk away to find it.

- r.h sin

"Say 'hi' first. If there's anything I've learned, it's that if you want to talk to someone, talk to them. Go out on a limb. Do not wait for them to talk to you first because, odds are, they're waiting for the same thing."

"The pain still lingers. Somewhere behind my happiness, my joy, my success and my smile, it still lingers. It's something that's found a home in me, something not willing to leave."

- perplexedmind

When you invest a lot of time and effort into someone that you believe is the right one for you, it becomes harder and harder to let go. Yet, the longer you stay with someone that makes you unhappy, the harder it will be for you to cut ties with them. You'll just keep staying unhappy out of comfort. Let go. You'll be okay.

"I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling, and wondered why I felt bad for him... why I felt sad for him. I mean, he was the one who broke me after all, and while I could feel all of my broken pieces floating around inside of me and should have been angry at him, for some reason I just wasn't. Maybe somewhere far in the back of my mind I knew that he didn't do it on purpose. Maybe somewhere deep in the core of my heart I knew that he was a good guy who happened to have made a bad mistake. Or maybe a part of me knew that breaking me broke him too... I don't know. But whatever it was it kept me awake that night, and instead of being angry at him, I felt bad and sad for him, and ended up praying and asking God to help heal him too."


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