Before we can even knock on the door it is thrown open by a very excited older women.


"Oh Astra dear! So your my sons mate!"

I get pulled into a bone crushing hug by Martha.

HOLY SHIT! I've been speaking about my mate problems to my mates mum!

"So you have already met?" Blaze raises his eyebrow at me questionably.

"Of course dear! I have had some wonderful talks with your lovely mate here" Martha smiles oblivious to my inner turmoil.

Forget my mates mum not liking me, WHAT IF SHE TELLS BLAZE WHAT WE HAVE SOOKEN ABOUT!

"Yeah your mum makes great cookies" I say casually.

"Can I have a cookie?" Rick chooses this moment to pop his head around the corner.

"Of course you can my dear but after lunch" Martha smiles grabbing ricks hand and showing us into the house.


Lunch was amazing! Martha really is an excellent cook.

I still can't believe she is Blazes mother though. How could I have been so blind to not notice all the tells before? I mean her house is literally full of photos of him.

"I'll just take these to the kitchen now"

"On please let me help you Martha" I smile at her collecting some dishes my self.

Once we are in the kitchen I have just enough time to put the plates down before I am once again grabbed into a bone crushing hug.

"I can't do this in front of my son as he will tell me off but I am so glad he is your mate" she smiles.

"You are exactly what he deserves. He always used to say how his mate would be strong and beautiful, kind and caring and now here you are"

Now it's my turn to smile.

"You two are going to be the perfect beta couple and in time the perfect beta family"

My face drops.


"Oh yes dear. Blaze always dreamed of having a big family. I know he will be a wonderful father and I'm sure you will make an excellent mother"

I never thought about that kind of thing. It didn't even cross my mind.

"Can you excuse me one moment?"

I hurry my way out of the kitchen, past a now worried looking Blaze and out of the back door.

I can't do this. I can't hold him back. It's not right for me to do it, he deserves all of his dreams. I'm just a broken she wolf. I can't make him happy.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Blaze spins me around and bends down so we are eye level. His hands holding onto my shoulders and his whole body language screaming concern.

"Ash what's wrong?"

I want to say nothing. I want this to not be real. I want to say I love you...

The tears fall down my cheeks now.

"Blaze you need to reject me. The mating bond isn't complete yet, you can still do it. I'm not good for you, you deserve someone better, you deserve a family"

"Is this what this is about" he eyes full with both worry and desperation.

"Ash if your not ready for a family that's fine I don't care if I have to wait as long as you are happy we can have a family in our own time"


"Don't be stupid ash! Always and forever remember. Please.." his eyes are frantic now.

"Blaze if you stay with me you will never have pups. It won't happen, not because I don't want them, because I can't" the last part is barely a whisper as the tears roll down my cheeks.

"It's for your own good, I Astra Mor...."

"Blaze, Astra, my office, now" Lucian choses now to mind link us.

Without hesitation Blaze takes off towards Lucian leaving me and any chance of my rejection in the dust.


Hi peoples,

It may seem like I have changed the plot a bit after the attack from her old pack in the last chapter but don't worry I haven't! These two parts will link up, trust me.

In the mean time don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing from you all. Also if you want feel free to message me with questions or suggestions if you want. I don't bite!

Nightowl x

Rogue Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ