Chapter 4-Edited

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*Cole at the top*

*Regins POV*

I have ran for about 5-6 hours and I of course stopped to drink water and eat the food I stole.

After running for a few more hours, I finally rested under a small willow tree. Just as I was about to close my eyes and sleep,  I heard a twig snap and growles.

I immediately jumped up and became alert. Soon 3 huge wolves stepped out from behind the tree, looking prepared to kill

"Shift you rouge" Said someone in my head and I just growled quitely in response. The biggest wolf then lets out and irritated growl and shifted behind the trees.

Instead of a big wolf stood a very attractive guy. He had blonde hair and quite a few tattoos. His boxers hung really low on his abdomen and he had a mischievous glint in his dark, blue eyes.

"Who are you and why are you in my territory, rouge" Mystery man asked.

My eyes widened and I shifted into my human form. Luckily I had an odd ability, I was able to shift back with my clothes still on, not ruined the slightest bit.

"My name is Regin. Regin Skyler Adems. I am terribly sorry for crossing your territory, I was just running away from my p-pack s-sir" I said, stuttering at a point.

"If you don't mind me asking, why where you running from your pack?" he asked, voice now softened. I felt like I could trust them, my wolf does too...I should tell them. It would be less burdens to carry.

I told them my story, leaving a few bits out, like how badly I was beaten and how I would be starved until I nearly die of hunger. I didn't want to annoy them with all of my problems.

At the end I looked down and started crying. I couldn't help it, I just didn't want to seem weak.

"Hey, Hey. Look at me, It's ok. Don't cry. My names Jake."

Said another guy who I think was the beta. He had dark brown, almost black eyes and brown hair.

The other guy who I assumed was the third in command smiled at me and he had beautiful green eyes and blond hair.

"I'm John and his name is Cole." The th- John said and pointed to the guy who I think was their alpha or the one who spoke to me earlier.



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"You know what? We'll help you toughen up!" Jake said and John yelled a loud 'YEAH', fistbumping the air

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"You know what? We'll help you toughen up!" Jake said and John yelled a loud 'YEAH', fistbumping the air.

"Real-ly?" I asked, still crying and hiccuping.

"Yes really" said Cole while smiling, even chuckling.

"O-ok-ay-y"I sniffled and then smiled.

"Come on let's go to the pack house and then we can introduce you to my pack tomorrow." Said Cole. Hmm, So he is the alpha.

"O-ok, t-thank you g-guys" I mumbled, fumbling with my fingers and letting a few hiccups escape.

"No problem, Regina"


When we arrived at the pack house everyone gave us curious stares.

Suddenly I saw a little boy running towards me and hugged my legs. I smiled down at him and said, "Hi what's your name?" To which he responded with, "Hiw mwy name iw logawn whaws youws?"
(Hi my name is Logan what's yours?)

"Hi logan my name is Regin and you are just the cutest!" I said.

When I looked up I saw everyone staring at me. It made me nervous. I didn't something bad, didn't I? They are going to punish me now...

"D-did I d-o s-s-somethin-ng w-wrong-g" I asked, scared.

A short woman with short brown hair spoke up first, "That's logan but no one ever heard him talk, ever!"she said shocked.

"O-oh why?" I asked, shocked.

"His parents died when he was 5." said the same woman.

"awww, poor little guy" I replied,  feeling sad.

"Oh silly me I should probably Introduce myself, I'm Diana, former luna of this pack and this is my husband and former alpha,  Derrick. His son, Mr. and Mrs. Miller."

"Hi Mr and Mrs Miller, my name is Regin" I said and looked down to see Logan reatching out to me. I smiled and picked him up, letting him rest on my hip. He laid his head on my shoulder and yawned, making me giggle. I'm warming up to him.

"Call me Diana dear. Heck, call me Mom if you'd like." Mrs Mi- Diana responded, chuckling.

"Mother, father, there is something I would like to tell you in the living room"said Cole.

"Alright Dear." said Diana and followed Cole into the living room with me and Derrick following.When we got there Cole started telling them my story.

Hey guys I felt bad for making all my chapters shorter so I decided to make a longer chapter today.Hoped you enjoyed!

Peace out ✌🏽

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