"I-It can't be... your oppa is just being nice, nothing else." Yuna shook her head, staying in denial. "No! I can feel when oppa is merely being nice or he genuinely likes someone! I can tell that he really likes you, unnie! Oppa hasn't really seriously dated before and I know when he is in love. He even proposed for you and Namhyun to move in and stay with us!" Somin nodded as she analysed.

"I-It can't be..." Yuna mumbled, playing with the blanket in her hands. "Unnie, are you and Namhyun going to move in with us? I want you and Namhyun to come!" Somin pleaded. "We...are..." Yuna replied with hesitation. As much as she promised Taehyung on the plane that she would, she still has her doubts and concerns. She doesn't know what change with that bring and there would be so many unknowns in the future... "Really?! YAY!!"

On the other side, Taehyung was helping Namhyun to dry his hair with the hair dryer. "Hyung, do you like my noona?" Namhyun questioned, looking at his older brother through the mirror. Taehyung stopped his moving hand and blinked a few times in astonishment. Is he that obvious? "W-What?! N-No..." Taehyung swallowed a lump of saliva to calm his nerves down. Even Namhyun can feel it, how come Yuna has no reaction about it?

"Don't lie, hyung. I can tell." Namhyun smiled creepily. "Which boss would be so concerned about his employee and the employee's family? Which boss would stay over at his female employee's house and take care the employee's brother? Not to mention, you lied to me on the first time we met. You told me you were noona's colleague!" Namhyun wriggled his brows at the speechless man standing behind him.

"Yah! Kids like you shouldn't think about these things. Focus on your studying and listen to your noona well." Taehyung tried to abruptly twist the topic but that wasn't working for Namhyun. "Hyung, be a man and tell noona that you like her! I can tell that noona likes you a lot too. She has been talking about you excessively these few months." The younger boy turned to look at Taehyung.

"Talking about me? What does she talk about me?" Taehyung pulled a chair nearby and sat down eagerly.

Taehyung POV

"Hmm... Noona said that you are a really nice boss who cares about his employees. She came home one day and complained that you are very close to another girl named... Jung... Jung something." Namhyun started expounding.

"Jung Haemin?" I cut in. "Yes, Jung Haemin. And noona's tone was full of bitter jealousy instead of angriness. She said something like... how Jung Haemin would be more suitable for you and noona wouldn't be one of your choices. Noona is never like this. This is the first time I have ever seen her like this." Namhyun continued, pulling a packet of chips from the table.

"What else did she say?" I was getting nervous, at the same time, excited about what else Yuna said. "Hyung, can I eat this?" Namhyun swung the packet of chips in front of me, looking at me with pleading eyes. Not in the mood to wait any longer, I nodded to let him continue with the topic. "Hmm... basically noona talked about many things but I am not going to betray her by telling you more." Namhyun smiled sheepishly, munching on the chips.

My expression sank, giving him an unbelievable face. Isn't he betraying me too? I am so nice to him! Choi Namhyun! I shot him glares, snatching the chips away from him, running around the room to let him catch me.

Author POV

On the next day's evening, the four of them went to the Blue Lagoon Beach for some relaxing time after visiting all the temples and street markets. The two younger children had never-ending energy. They were being so exuberant, running around the moment they reached the beach.

"I heard from Minjung that you promised to move in to live with us." Taehyung started the conversation between the two of them. "Didn't I already agree to your suggestion on the plane?" Yuna frowned, looking at the man. "I am just afraid that you might take back your words. I asked Namhyun and he agreed." Taehyung smiled in victory.

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