1. Meet the Squad

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You were surrounded by other men in the same uniform as you. You ran into a man with a short, straight, black ponytail with medium height.

"Hello. I am Alexander Hamilton. Pleased to meet you," he says warmly. He smiles at you. You smile and handshake with him.

"Michael King," you introduced yourself under a fake name for obvious reasons. You were thrilled to have nailed the masculine voice. "Nice to meet you too." You smiled at yourself, proud of your realistic male voice.

"Meet the squad," he joked.
Three men walked up to Alexander. Wait, first name or last name? Let's go with Hamilton. Sounds better.

"Yo, who's this?" a man with a curly dark ponytail and freckles asked.

"Hi. I'm King." You coughed. "Michael King."

"I'm John Laurens," the same freckled man said.

"I'm Hercules Mulligan," a man with a blue bandanna around his head said.

"Bonjour, Monsieur King. Je m'appelle Lafayette. Marquis de Lafayette," the other corrected himself. He had a curly dark ponytail as well as a strong French accent.

"Ah, je parle un peu français. Aaaand I have no clue whether that's how you say it. I was taught a little French when I was young." You laughed at yourself and looked down in a lame attempt to avoid the awkwardness.

"It's okay, mon ami." He smiled.

"Okay, so what exactly did you just say, King?" Herc asked.

"He said he speaks a little French," Hamilton answered.

"But anyways, welcome to the war. And our 'squad'." Laurens finger-quoted, the four smiling welcomely.

"Hey, um, is that Aaron Burr? Heard of him. Princeton College..." you trailed off, gesturing towards him.

"Yup, that's him. Cowardly know-it-all," Hamilton muttered the last part quietly to himself.

"Afternoon everyone. Uhh, Michael King, is it?" You internally panicked hearing your father's voice. You turned around to meet your father's eyes. You put on a smile, although you were sweating a little under the panic.

"Yes, that's right. Afternoon, f- uh, sir," you stuttered. You nodded at him, he nodded back. He then gave you a weird look.

"Have we met before?" His tone was curious.

"Um, no. Nope, don't think so. Not that I remember." You chuckled nervously.

"All right. See you soon, King," he said and walked off.

Before you knew it, it was night. The sun had disappeared from the sky, and the stars were tiny spots of white in the limitless dark sky.

You were all at a bar, all drunk or tipsy. Laurens made a speech about raising a glass to freedom. Everyone raised their glass and drank from it. Soon, you guys were on your way back, walking drunkenly, physically a mess. As soon as beds were in sight, you ran for it, laying down to sleep.

You were soon surrounded by soft and loud snores, encouraging you to fall asleep too.

When you left, you thought that this would be your new home. And you were right. You had new friends, a new place to stay and most importantly, you had your father. This was starting to feel like home to you. You fell asleep with that in mind.

Blood, Sweat, Tears & Lies - Lafayette x reader Hamilton FicWhere stories live. Discover now