#6 Sinful Eros

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WARNING: Grammar Alert. LOL. Feel free to criticize this work. Thanks.

AS HUGO OPENED the big wooden door of the house, the smell of their antique belongings filled my nostrils. It was not a pleasant odor but not that displeasing, either. The staircase then caught my rapt attention for its wideness and elegancy. I could not believe that Hugo, who had been my thriftiest friend, had hidden richness.

"Stay here for a while," he said. "I'll just look for someone." Then he disappeared from my view.

I sat on their sofa for I couldn't think of something to do. That was when I heard soft footsteps coming from the doorway. I froze. Then I turned my head, and my eyes landed on a young lady who was wearing a small white dress and carrying a bags of groceries.

At first, she was oblivious of my presence in the room, but when her timid, innocent eyes met mine, she abruptly stopped from walking and took a deep breath. Her bosom then became much firmer and rounder as she took another long sigh.

I swallowed hard uncomfortably.

The house became more silent than it had been earlier as we exchange our strange gape at each other. It only stopped when Hugo suddenly spoke.

"There you are." He drew near to the girl to get the bags. Soon, he introduced me to her, and I learned that she was Lucia, his cousin.

Hugo had never mentioned about her to me before. Maybe because she was just another cousin of him and it was totally not a big deal. But it was for me. I could not explain why but thinking that I didn't met her earlier than that day made me regret of the days I had wasted before.

But the good thing was that I had reason now to stay here, not only because Hugo had invited me to have one week vacation freely but also because Lucia had just given me a little sinful reason. Obliviously.

As we were having our merienda prepared by Lucia, I asked Hugo about that ancestral house of their family. I found out that the house was being taken care of Lucia's family. But since she was an only child and her mother and father had to work hard to earn a living, she had no choice but to take care of it by herself. It was obvious though with her way of doing the household chores. It was as if she was born only to perfect such things.

As the night came, Hugo went out, saying that he would not be long. Well, of course, he had asked me if I wanted to go with him, but I refused, reasoning out that I was already tired.

But the truth was I only wanted to be left alone with Lucia. I could not explain why. There was something within me which kept on making me think of how beautiful Lucia was as she walked gracefully around the house while her long shiny hair swayed together with her hands.

In the middle of the night, I woke up due to the dryness of my throat. I went out of the room I was using to get a one glass of water from the kitchen. Lucia was no longer there, of course. But the door of her room not far away from the kitchen was slightly opened and the lights was on. I was sure she was awake.

I tried to peek through the door and I was wrong. There, I saw her sleeping on her night gown, slightly showing her rounded legs. I didn't know what came in on my mind but I took a picture of her using my phone. From the outside, I heard the sound of Hugo's car, so I hurriedly went back to my room.

I used the photo I had taken.

THE NEXT DAY, the freshness of what had happened last night lingered on my mind as if it was just an imagination. The photo was still on my phone and the smell of what I had done stayed on the bed sheets. And I managed to form a hidden smile on my lips as I walked down the stairs.

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