Chapter 10

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xx Shel

Chapter 10

After a couple of days of rehearsal, we decided the dance was perfect as far as moves went. It just needed a lot of cleaning up, which was fine because we still had two weeks before it needed to be performed. Our current biggest worry was what we were going to wear.

“It should be white,” Rayna insisted, crossing her arms over her chest.

I raised my brows at her. “You seriously want to dance in white? You realize we’re rolling all over the floor and stuff, right?”


Danielle shook her head. “We’re not doing white. What are you boys wearing?” She leaned back against Liam who was sitting behind her. His arms immediately wound around her waist.

“Tuxes, I believe,” he said, looking to his band mates for confirmation.

Niall, who was sitting next to me eating a bag of chips, nodded. “Yep.”

I reached for the bag, stealing a handful of his snack. He playfully glared at me, laughing when I stuck my tongue out at him.

“That’s not fair.” Zayn complained. “He tries to bite us if we take his food.”

“He hasn’t bitten me,” Liam stated.

Harry rolled his eyes. “That’s because you haven’t taken his crisps before.”

Niall chuckled. “Well, Kora’s cute. You guys aren’t.”

“Hey!” They all chorused together, acting like they were offended.

I stuck my tongue out at all of them while Niall continued to laugh. “Ha! I’m adorable and you boys aren’t.”

“That’s a lie,” Raleigh growled.

Dani clapped her hands. “Guys, focus! Back on topic.”

We all muttered apologies, laughing quietly. It was becoming extremely easy for me to be my old giggly self around these boys. I wasn’t sure how, but they had made me feel like it was okay to stop being so cynical about everything. Pretty much anything could make me laugh now. Danielle insisted it had to do with breaking up with Riley and I was starting to believe her a little more each day.

“It has to be sparkly,” Bailey insisted, nodding her head for emphasis.

I snickered. “Yes, sparkles are a must for any good dance costume.”

“Okay, so we know it should be sparkly.” Danielle grabbed the notebook from the middle of our circle and started scribbling down things. “We need to figure out a color.”

“Something bright,” Rayna said, tapping her chin as she thought.

“Lime green?” Raleigh suggested, giving a bright grin.

I wrinkled my nose. “Ew, no. That would look odd. We don’t want to blind anyone.”

She narrowed her eyes at me.

“How about less neon and more just brightly colored?” Danielle offered.

“Hot pink?” I suggested.

Everyone’s jaw dropped as they gazed at me.

A blush colored my cheeks. “What are you guys looking at?”

Niall blinked at me, his gorgeous blue eyes showing his amusement. “Did those words really just come out of Kora Benson’s mouth?”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, shut up.”

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