Last chapter : new life ,new me

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*years later*

I pack my last box of my things. I close it up. Carry my bags and Look back at my old Room.

"You need help with that "

I turn around and see harry he takes the box down stairs. I take one last Look at my Room and close it.

I walk down stairs and see friends and family. I say my last goodbyes to them and get into the boys car.

While i put my seatbelt on i Look outside the mirror and wave.

"You ready" harry says


We drive off and during the ride i think about my new life im gonna start with new friends and new people around me.

* few hours pass by*

"Were here"

I Look and i see this Huge Brick house. YES!!. Im finally here. Im finally starting a new life. Im in collage.

I take my box of stuff with the help of harry and the boys. I see a lady and she asks me my name. She then gives me my keys to my dorm and the boys follow.

"810 nope, 811 nope, here it is 812"

I open up the door and see a girl inside. It was Emma.

"Ahh Emma"

" Omg Diana"

All of my friends were going to the same collage as me but i didnt expect to be in the same Room as them.

The boys leave my stuff on my new bed that doesnt Look that confy but it will do. They leave and i kiss harry one more time.

I then unpack my stuff and me and Emma go and Look around the campus.

We then meet the rest of my friends infront of the campus and talk for a while.

We then leave because classes started tomorrow. I was so excited for tomorrow. I wanted school to start already. While walking back to my dorm with Emma i bump into someone.


"Its ok" he responds

He looked Like a nerd. But a cute nerd.

"Whats your name" I ask

"It's umm marcel"

"Well nice to meet you marcel you seem nice"

"Thnx i dont really recive compliments from cool kids like you"

"Im not a cool kid im just normal"

We talk for a while and i then go to my dorm.

Im gonna love this new life. Im gonna love this collage years.....

Last chapter omfg Its bad but sorry this book is over and im gonna start a new book. So stay tune for that. Vote and follow me plz thnx and bye till next time. ~the author ada

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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