I literally Jinxed Myself Guys...

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I literally jinxed myself...

How you may ask?

Well I had a few sharp pains while writing the last update coincidently tittled "Don't worry guys I'm not dead"

So here I am, a bit tired and with minor pains, writing the truly truly deserved next chapter. A headache starts coming on and the next few days I have even worse sharp pains in my back and fevers reaching in the 100s. I finally get sent home Tuesday due to high temps and vomiting. The pain at this point was so bad I was limping. Now normally I can't fall asleep easily and it's literally impossible for me to, during the day. But the past few days as soon as I get home, I pass out for hours at a time with a spiking fever. So as I said, Tuesday night when my Stepdad gets home, my parents finally take a look at my back to discover a huge huge welt looking bruise thing? Well he rushes me to the ER, after looking up things online, to discover I had an abscess that was likely caused by: Dun dun dun, My worst fear, a spider bite. And not just any, a venomous spider and the reason I was sick was because of the venom. So I spent all night, pratically as we didn't leave until almost 12:30 am, having a small procedure which included: a needle stuck in me 4 times, 3 pairs of scissors, tubes, and lots of blood. Ahh yes fun fun times. But I do want to thank everyone who worried over me while I was at the hospital and still am currently recovering. I've been unable to write, as my pain meds are pretty strong and make me very tired so I've been asleep a lot.

Ahh~ Sorry for disappointment as this is not an update, well technically about my condition it is, but I feel guilty about the amount of time I have taken off from you guys. I will try my best to heal properly, but not rush as it does take time, and try to write up something decent for you all, because you all truly deserve it. You guys put up with me a lot and I am forever thankful~

~Love, Emily~

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