When The Relationship Is Public

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Sal: Sal was a little shy about announcing the relationship. He talked about you to the guys a lot so they were getting a little suspicious and they were asking him about it consistently. He kept avoiding the question. There was one day when you and Sal invited you over a day when the other guys were going to hang out together. Murr kept pestering both of you and he desperately wanted to know the answer. Eventually Sal admitted that you two were indeed a couple.

Q: You had known all the guys for a while so when you realized that you had feelings for Q, you told Sal how you felt. Sal was the only one who knew when you and Q became a couple. After a few weeks, you both started to tell people. You and Q both told the guys first. After that you told your family and then you started telling some of your friends. Q announced that he had a girlfriend when he first introduced you to his parents at a get-together.

Murr: He is not shy about announcing your new relationship. He wants everyone to know: his friends, family, everyone. You are also excited to tell everyone your news too. You announce your relationship as soon as you make it official with him. A few days after you became an official couple, you told your closest friends. The guys were thrilled for Murr and they teased him a little bit. One day when you were talking to your parents, you slipped in the fact that you started dating someone. They were so happy for both of you.

Joe: Joe waits until you are ready to announce your relationship until he tells his friends. Yours and his family knew after a few weeks of going out. You knew the other guys would be cool with it but you still wanted to wait a little while. You are hesitant to tell other people, especially your family. You didn't know how people were going to react, but most people that you told were absolutely thrilled for both of you. 

A/N: Thank you for reading! I just got 2k on my other book and I'm still shocked. Please vote if you liked it and comment opinions/requests if you have any! I hope to be updating again soon and if you already sent a request, I will hopefully get to it next

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