No Way

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Percy's POV:

"Not going to lie," Joselyn sounds vaguely disappointed, "I thought two geniuses would be able to figure out what was going on. You did manage to prove my point rather nicely though."

Through the wall I can hear her voice- smug. Not the happy smug. I guess not really smug at all. But there isn't really a word for "I planned for this to happen and it did and this is what was supposed to happen but I sort of hoped you'd prove me wrong but I shouldn't be upset because my plan worked"

The worst part is her plan did work. Somehow Peter is trapped. Somehow Stark is trapped. And I am too. But unlike them I know exactly what is going to happen. I know they are going to die in that room. I know they are going to die because they fought for what they believe in. Maybe they did fight wrong. Maybe they did mess. You know what? They did mess up. They did make mistakes. You know what else though? We all make mistakes because that's what people do. They make mistakes. I mean, I'm half god and take a look at all the mistakes I've made.

There are about a million ways I could get out right, a million ways to save them. I couldn't live with myself if I let them die. I couldn't live with myself if I betrayed camp. I couldn't live with myself if they found out the truth.

Because even if they didn't see the truth a first they would. They would see that I wasn't normal, wasn't quite right. Even if I left. Even if I went back to camp and never came back to New York. If I never showed my face again it wouldn't matter. Because my mother lives here, Paul lives here. So me disappearing would do nothing, I couldn't expect the same of them. I wouldn't.

Two lives. Maybe more. Are two lives worth all this? They should be. But somehow it almost isn't. Somewhere deep and twisted and warped and wrong inside me whispers, trying to be heard no matter how I try to silence it. Because there are billions of people. Because people die every day. Because these heroes knew what they were signing up for. Because heroes give up there lives to save others. Because are these lives worth the potential death of the demigods. Because these are only two little lives and no lives should be more important than any others.

But Athena was right. Of course she was. Because I would give up the world to save a friend. Peter is a friend. So curse Athena for her being right but I have to save him, like she knew I would.

It isn't easy, but I do it. I will the water in the pipes to come to me, like it's been straining to do. I don't let it free though. Instead I take the smallest drop of water and force it into the cuffs that hold me. The water doesn't seem very happy about this, but too bad.

More water gets forced in, then a little more, then a little more. The cuffs can't take it anymore. A popping noise. A puddle on the ground. Pressure released in my skull. And freedom.

Demigods aren't supposed to fight mortals, Celestial Bronze can't even touch mortals, because they aren't important enough. Still, there it that "knife" Stark made. And there is an exception to every rule.

My decision is sort of made for me though when I hear what 's going on outside.

"You have to die, you know. It'll be quick, I promise. I don't know about painless, because, you know, well you can't really ask anyone. But it probably will be. And if what you've been saying is true, that you just want to help people, then you should know this is the best way to do it." Remixes voice is soft, apologetic. Going out there, saving Peter and Stark, well they won't be the only ones saved. Because whatever is going on inside of Jocelyn's brain will only protect her from what she's done for so long. When she realizes what she's done she won't be able to live with herself. I can save her too, save her from that.

So I stand up, despite the fact that my vision is spinning at best. All the blood rushes to my head and it takes all of my will power not to fall down. I don't fall. I can't fall. Because people need to be saved. Because no one else needs to die.

Remix didn't even think to lock the door. She didn't think to take me to a place far away from the main event. Either she was so confident that I wouldn't be able to escape or she wanted me too. Maybe not consciously. But Luke wanted to be stopped. Luke wanted to be saved. And I have to believe that maybe Joselyn wants the same.

There isn't a creak when I slide the door open. Through the crack I can see Stark and Peter, both in full costume. Joselyn has her back mostly turned to me, but she's just in jeans and a t-shirt. Tiny in comparison. Her short cherry hair is slightly wavy, and matches the brim of her wide, almost hipster, glasses. Her clothes were obviously bought in the children's section, no matter how she tries to hide it. She doesn't look like she should be evil, like she should be the bad guy. She looks like the little girls that the big strong male hero will come save from the mean old male villain. But movies forgot half the population. Small doesn't mean sweet. Pretty doesn't mean innocent. If long hair covers what's inside someone's head then you aren't looking close enough. Joselyn is just as capable of being a villain as any man. Because if people are going to scream about how woman can be heroes they'd better remember that girls can be evil as well.

I can tell the exact moment that Peter sees me. The eyes on his rather corny spandex suit widen comically. It would be impossible to miss. Joselyn turns quickly, but with no panic in her movement.

"So have you made your choice Percy?" She gives me a smile. I return it,

"Yeah." My hand slides to my pocket, drawing my weapon.

"I really wish you hadn't done that." A sigh escapes Jocelyn's lips, "Now I'm going to have to kill all of you.'

A gun materializes in her hand- drawn from her waist but so fast that my blurry vision barely catches it. Not for the first time I send a silent prayer of thanks for the fact that there aren't guns in the mythological world. Then I curse the fact that there are in fact guns in the mortal world.

Starks blasters are on, Peter is in a fighting position, my weapon is drawn. We're all threats but Joselyn's not pointing her gun at any of us. She's pointing at a figure lying on the ground. Ms. Parker.

There's no way this is going to end peacefully. There's no way this is going to end without pain. There's no way we're all getting out of this.


My chapters are slowly progressing to more and more insane. Anyhow, if I said anything in this chapter you don't agree with stop reading because I couldn't care less.

I have a compelling reason not to make friends: "I'm going to go ask that guy for his number and is he's gay you're my date and dared me to ask for his number, K? Thanks Bex" - Person who made friends with me less than a week ago and is convinced I look like Beverly Marsh from It.

Anyway, thank Radi for publishing this she is fabulous and you lot should all tell her so. Have a great week.

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