Chapter 1 - Bear Grey

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"They'll be here any minute, Harry; do you have Kate dressed?" I screamed from the bottom of the stairs. Harry made it his decision to dress Kate for her play date.
    "Yup, all done, what a beauty this one is." Harry said smiling from ear to ear and he walked down the stairwell. Late was dressed in light blue overalls and a pink
Shirt underneath.

When Kate was first born, with the complications, Harry stayed off work for a year, laid low. Worked behind closed doors of his own home. Ali delivered twins; their baby boy being stillborn; their hearts broke; but they were able to share the blessing of their baby girl Kate. Harry promised Ali she would never have to go through a heart break like that ever again; and that he would protect Kate with everything he had the power for.

The door bell rang. "Look Kate, your boyfriend is here." Harry spoke in a baby voice to Kate as he went over the the door, Ali shocked her head, laughing at Harry's idea.

"Hey bro." Liam Payne said from outside the door.

"Come in Come in." Harry said stepping aside. Kate started laughing, looking down at Bear Grey.

"Kate must have missed Bear." Cheryl laughed, carrying the baby sit and she stepped inside the home.

"Can I get you guys anything?" Ali offered.

"Just some water is fine." Cheryl smiled and Liam nodded. "Hello Miss Kate, your getting so big and gorgeous as ever." Cheryl was now holding Kate in her arms and Liam bent down to pick up Bear.

Bear was Liam's first baby boy, only 6 months old. Since the day Bear was born, it created a new bond with Liam and Harry; even making each other buy houses in the same neighbourhood.

Ali's POV ~~~

As I rejoined them in the living room with two glasses of water, Kate was sat next to bear and he was laid on the floor with his baby blanket. Everyone else sitting and already into a conversation. "Ali, Liam and Cheryl was saying they have to fly out next week, for business meetings, I told them we would watch Bear for the 3 days they will be gone, Hun." Harry said as I handed them their water and took a seat next to Harry.

"Sure, Bear is a good little
Boy, you never hear him" I smiled at them and then looked over at the kids.

Having two kids in the house next week made Ali's heart ache. She should have had her little boy with Kate. Kate's brother.


It was now dark, as I stood outside in our back yard; smoking a cigarette. Liam and Cheryl have been gone about an hour now, once supper with cleaned and straightened away.

"What's wrong; you only smoke when your stressed." Harry said coming out of the sliding door and joining me in the yard. I sighed.

"It's nothing, I -I'm just thinking of the idea of having two kids in the house. When it could have been us, Harry."

"Hun, if it bothers you I can let them know before time that we can't do it." He stood in front of me and held my face with his two hands. I shook my head.

"No, I want to watch Bear, Harry. I really have no problem doing it." I smiled and took another Puff. Harry  turned on the lights that went around the 6 foot fence we had for our backyard. Privacy for Kate and I when we played in the backyard.

"I love you." Harry said and kissed my head.

"I love you too, Harry." I said, smiling at him. "Lets head inside." I put the put in the can I had set up and put the can away out of Kate's reach on the shelf the rested on the step with the garden tools.

"Lets watch some tv while Kate's asleep." I suggested and Harry nodded taking my hand and leading me inside. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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