Chapter Twenty-four.

Comenzar desde el principio

    "Okay okay, in all seriousness now.. I could put in a good word for you" I said and he gave a small sad smile.

    "No...can't break the bro code" he said and I raised my brow.

     "Maybe you could call 911 to find me..cause I'm lost" I said and he shook his head laughing.

      "Why do you think Kate doesn't know me even when I'm her brother's best friend" he said and I nodded slowly.

      "Well....I never thought about it...but thinking about it now, it sure does sound awkward...why?" I asked and he turned, poured himself a glass of whiskey and  turned back.

     "I would have offered but you're too young for all back to the sad discussion.... Cameron and I went to a boarding school, so during breaks we'd just leave for our respective homes...which isn't in anyway near. I lived in England for a while. First time I met Kate, we were in freshman year of college, need I say I was struck..... But Cameron told me to back off... Which I did....i was supposed to meet her again on our convocation day but she couldn't make it.....anytime we hung out , it was always with Charlie cause Kate was a party animal and she goes on dates like its part of an everyday thing" he said and I nodded slowly in anticipation.

      "Yeah...and I'm not the type to wanna date my best friend's sibling... And Cameron said something along the lines of Kate probably going to crush on me if we hang out much and I'd end up hurting her when I try to back it was easier if we didn't even know about each other more than we already did." He said and I understood perfectly.

       "Well, that sucks.....looks like you haven't gotten over your crush on what are you gonna do?" I asked and he gave me an award winning smile.

       "Same thing I always do.....pretend like she's nothing to me...and go back to where I'm coming from" he said and I was about to compliment his pretending skills when the party started.

      "Bye beautiful....the gown looks good on you by the way" He said, winked and walked away.

     I walked back to Rosie and Kate and they both gave me suspicious eyes.

       "What's going on between you two?" The duo said together.

      "Rosie, we're talking nice" I mocked and she gave me a knock on the head.

      "Shut the EFF up....what's up?, I thought it was Cameron, what's the lovey dovey with his hot bff" she said and I just waved them off.

      "Ivan's my back up if Cameron fails.", I teased and laughed at the look of bewilderment on their faces.

    The party started in full swing, everyone had the best time of their lives ..except me....Cameron totally ignored me.

   Even right now as we all are sitting in one of the cushions at the end of the bar, he was still ignoring me...he was just laughing with Kate and Charlie... While Rosie, Ivan and I played harmless twenty questions...I'm so grateful to them cause their annoying attitude is so much fun to watch it helped me get my mind off Cameron for some time before I fall back into thinking about I am right now...snap out of it June.

        " If you were to choose between your wife and your daughter who would you choose... Say they were both at gunpoint " Rosie asked Ivan and everyone paused to listen to his answer. Kate had all 100% attention on him.

      "That's easy...I'd free my wife,them while im busy beating up the bad guys...she'd free our baby and run away..." He said and I was touched...all the girls awwed.

     "What if you get killed?" Kate asked and Ivan gave her his award winning smile.

       "So long as I gave my life for the safety of the two women I love the most ...I'd gladly die with a bright smile...then I can watch over them well in heaven and kill anyone messing with them with ghost powers" he said and we laughed...but Kate had a funny look on her face.

      "What if you end up in hell...cause the chances are high" Cameron said and Ivan jumped him... These two are like kids.

     "Hello" a deep voice said and the face I saw when I looked up made me pale...but I wasn't the only one pale, he was void of colour too..but he regained it quickly, while I was wondering where oxygen was.


End of this chapter.
Stay tuned for more.
Sorry for the late update.
I had a family party to prepare for...and I also travelled back home.
I was gonna type during the journey but I slept through it..Lol
Love y'all.

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