Chapter 5- The Bad Boy Tells

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“I’ll go left, Alex you go right and Mickey, you just stand there and look pretty,” Ryan whispers his idiotic orders towards us as we round the building. I roll my eyes as I watch the two idiots clad in black crouch down by a trash can. I adjust the black beanie on my head that Ryan insisted just tied my outfit together, before following suit behind them. “Okay, that was the last cop for this shift outside, all we have to do is get past that door unnoticed,” Ryan points to the front entrance of the police station, the one with around six cops behind it.

                “Now I remember why I’m the head of the newspaper station and you’re the photographer,” I state out loud.

                “Excuse me Chief, but do you have any better ideas?” Ryan turns around to scowl at me.

                “Yes, I do,” I hold up a set of keys.

                “Where did you get those?” Alex speaks up.

                “I swiped them from Ryan’s brother. How about we go through the back door,” I suggest before going around the building. The timing is perfect as there are no lingering squad cars around the back entrance. If only my dad knew what we were doing on a perfect Saturday night. I put the key into the slot slowly and quietly swing the door open. Ducking low, I make a mad dash for the first empty door I see.

                “Okay, we made it inside,” Ryan states proudly, until the ring of a cell phone blasts throughout the otherwise quiet room. I hide beneath the nearest desk until my brain registers Trey Songz’s Neighbor’s Know My Name, Alex’s phone.

                “You didn’t turn your phone off,” I look at him like he’s crazy, which he is. Who trespasses into the police station with their phone on? Crazy people, that’s who.

                “I had to leave it on, okay?” he snaps before murmuring something to whoever’s on the other end of the line. For some reason I feel the need to be quiet and let him have his conversation, it seems important. I look at the plaque on the desk and immediately move over, looking through drawers and papers.

                “Why are you looking through here?” Ryan moves closer to me.

                “It’s Sheriff Ross’s desk,” I answer while I continue to rummage through his things. A file stuffed with papers catches my attention and I make a grab for it.

                “Score,” I hear Ryan mutter. I turn to look at him. “The idiot has his personal laptop here,” he begins to type some things and I move back to the file in my hands. Just as the mayor’s name popped up, voices from outside are heard, way too close for comfort. Ryan takes his USB from the sheriff’s computer and we quickly duck and hide. Once the voices move away again we hurry towards the door, the file in my hand. Just as we were about to slip out the door, a voice stops us.

                “Did you see anyone in my office?” Sheriff Ross questions someone behind us. The question makes me drop the folder and I have no time to pick it up as Ryan pulls me out into the cool night air.

                “That was close,” Ryan mutters. We look at the USB he seems so proud of. I look at Alex who seems to have gotten quiet.

                “Are you okay?” I ask and Ryan turns to look at him as well. We hurry our steps to Ryan’s car which we parked underneath a tree across the street. We may have too much experience sneaking into places.

                “I kind of need to go get someone,” he mutters sheepishly. It’s painfully obvious he does not like asking anyone for help.

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