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Junior year. Four years here and I'm glad I'm almost out this place of hell. My best friend Quan is the only reason why I am able to keep my sanity.  Quan has been my best friend since we first came to this high school during middle school days.

Today's the first day of school and I am on my way to meet Quan at his locker.

Walking to Quan locker I plan on walking past my 5th period class, room 233 to see the new teacher everyone was speaking about. "He's so cute" "He's perfect" "I would so be with him" is the type of things I would hear. He's been the "talk" so I want to see what the fuss is about. And to be honest, I don't even know why I want to see. What is it going to matter to me? I'm not the type of girl that check out guys and talk about them all day with my friends. I don't tend to attract guys in my direction, I'm not the most popular girl because, as my ex best friend once told me "Cause your friends with that fucking weird gay dude." Well sorry if I don't judge and follow to be popular. That's just not me.

Closer to the classroom to see what the new teacher look like I run into Quan at the classroom door and we both look into the classroom and at the teacher.

"And there he." Quan announces to me like I don't already know. I look up at his face a pleasant smile planted there.

There stood a fit looking man, tall, tanned, with a handsome face and a mass of short black hair. Looking at him I had to agree. He was the best looking man I've ever seen. . . and he looks so young.

My Younger TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now