CH. 17

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Strolling down a dark road with no end, Yoongi looked around the place wondering to himself where he is.

There was no sound at all. Only silences. Dead silence.

He doesn't know where his destination is or how far this road takes him, but he continued walking.


He turned around and his father was standing a few yards from him.

YOONGI: "Dad..."

YOONRI: "What are you doing here?"

He blinked his eyes, dazing out at his father's question.

YOONGI: "I... I don't know."

YOONRI: "Son... you need to go back. It's not your time yet. Your mother... is still waiting for you."

His eyebrows twitched.

YOONGI: "My mother?"

His father took steps back, away from him.

YOONRI: "Go. Hurry. Go."

Yoongi took steps toward his dad when he realized that his dad was getting farther from him.

YOONGI: "Dad..."

Yoongi turned around and his arm came up to cover his eyes when a bright light shines directly at him.

The door opened and everyone jolted up from their seat over to Doctor Kim Seokjin, who had step out from the ER.

SUJIN: "How is my son? Please tell me he's alright."

It has been almost 5 hours ever since Yoongi had reached the hands of Doctor Kim and everyone was very anxious of Yoongi's condition.

Doctor Kim took off his mask and a smile came onto his face.

SEOKJIN: "Mr. Min Yoongi is doing great right now. His blood level is still very low but don't worry, we are transferring blood into him at the moment. He will be unconscious for a couple of days or towards a week. We'll be checking up on him daily but as for now, he is safe."

Finally, all their anxiousness has gone away in a flash and everyone started smiling again.

Sujin held onto Seokjin's hand and he automatically held onto her hands as well.

SUJIN: "Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Doctor Kim."

He smiled and patted her hands.

SEOKJIN: "Don't thank me. I am here to do my part to help all my patients, but it depends on them too. Your son is a very strong man. He holds on, even when we already lost hope. He is doing great, so you all can be at ease now. We will be transferring him to another room shortly, so you all can go in and visit him. Well then, please excuse me."

They bowed to each other and Seokjin walked on ahead, while they all hugged each other in happiness.

[Flash Back]

Knock, knock, knock.

DAEJOON: "Come in."

The door to Daejoon's office slowly creaks opened and the 14-year-old Yoongi entered in.

He puts away his paper works immediately when he sees his nephew.

DAEJOON: "What is it Yoongi? You can't sleep?"

Yoongi shook his head.

DAEJOON: "Is it because of what happen today?"

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