His Favorite Type Of Movie

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Happy - Horror obviously. Happy loves horror movies not only because of the suspense and thrill of slasher films but also the fact that you hate them. It gives you mini heart attacks every time something jumps out at you and you end up hiding in Happy's lap. He loves the fact that you always jump to him for protection and how you can't seem to get any closer to him while watching the movies. 

Quinn- Quinn loves action movies. He likes the explosions and death defying stunts that actors pull off. From the mind-blowing chase scenes to the fancy cars and gadgets used, Rane always loves action filled movies.

Juice- Juice likes mostly comedies but once in a while he likes to watch Rom-Coms with you. You like to joke with him and the Sons that he's a secret chick flick lover but you know that your old man just likes the hot actresses in the movies and their plots. 

Jax- Horror. Much like Happy, Jax loves the thrill he gets when watching the suspenseful movies and how scared you get. He loves how the movies always has you on the edge of your seat and when the really good ones blow your mind with unexpected outcomes. 

Chibs- History films are Chibs' favorite. He loves historical films that range from action filled medieval knights to dramas with kings and queens. Your old man loves the way the films seem to take you back in time and recapture moments in history.   

Tig- Romantic movies are Tig's favorite. Most of the guys make fun of him thinking that he only watches it because of you and rags on him for being whipped but in reality he likes them more than you. He likes the deep emotion behind the romance and drama, but mostly your old man likes them because of the sex scenes. He loves watching romantic movies with you that include raunchy love scenes and once the other boys found out about it they were all over at your house watching them. 

Kozik-Your old man loves crime movies. Kozik loves a good chase scene between the bad guys and the cops claiming that it brings back memories from incidents with the club but without the actual worrying of getting arrested. He enjoys the adrenalin rush from watching the crimes and the action.

Opie - Comedies. Opie loves to have a good laugh with you curled up under his arm. Your old man loves the funny jokes and the even funnier acting. When he finds a good one he likes he will be laughing all night with tears in his eyes.


Until Next Time 

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