Chapter 6.

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I buckled my seat because I knew Harry would probably drive like a maniac.


"Harry slow down a bit!" I screamed while letting out a laugh. He's such a kid.

Boys and their toys.

"Nooooo." He wined. I shook my head at his childish action.

Not long after, I saw 2 patrol cars. "Fuck, cops!" I said pointing out of the car window. Harry smirked and drove even faster.

"What are you doing?" I said giggling.

"Look, first of all the cops won't even bother to follow you after a speed limit of 220 km/h, second of all, you're forgetting with who you are my Love." He said winking, oh yeah he is The Harry Styles.

H only had one hand on the steering wheel while the other one was coming closer to my face. I pushed my head fast away from his head. "Eyes on the road, two hands on the steering wheel sir." I said a bit uncomfortable. I don't want him to touch me.

"You wish, we make it happen Madam." He said super sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him. The car was now totally silence. I closed my eyes and imagined my beautiful country, my beautiful city. LA, my family, my friends. Can I get back to home again?


"Come on sleepy-head." Harry said while shaking me awake.

"Okay calm down." I said pissed. I hate to get woken.

"Oh so we're back to old." He grumbled under his breath.

The cold air hit my face when I walked outside, seeing a fitness center. Harry came behind me, putting a hand on my hip. "Don't." I said warning him.

"You don't like to get touched do you." He asked, I ignored his question and walked in. "Get inside of the changing rooms and wait for me." Harry said and did what he asked me.

5 minutes later the messy haired boy walked in. "Now we have the whole building to ourselves." 

"Did you- what- oh." I said not forming a sentence that made sense.

"Yeah I emptied the building, now follow me." Harry said rolling his eyes. I followed him into a huge room, there was a gigantic mirror, it was painted in a nice colour but what caught my attention was the big ring in the middle of the room.

Harry stepped into the ring, moving his finger back and forth telling me to come in as well. I walked slowly to the ring. I looked Harry in the eyes. 

"Now, I'm gonna attack you, and you're going to defend yourself." He said. Just when I wanted to protest he threw a punch in my face but stopped when his knuckles almost touched my cheek. "Concentrate." Harry said.

"I don't know how to box." I whispered.

"Why do you whisper." Harry whispered back. I blushed and turned away from him.

"Come on, no need to be embarrassed." He turned me around and took my arms, closed my hands into fists and put my hands higher so it was blocking my face. "That's how you block." Then he showed me how to throw punches and how to kick. This was fun actually.

"I'm going to attack again. Show me you can be a good girl and do what I ask you." He said looking at my lips. "Defend yourself." He repeated like a couple minutes ago and threw a punch again, but I fast blocked it, "Can I do taekwondo?" I said while trying to block more punches. "Everything you want babe." He said letting out a chuckle. 

Fuck you. I tackled him, he fell on the ground letting out a groan. I sat on him and threw a couple light punches on his face like he thought me. But I did not hurt him. He looked at me smiling. "Hey doesn't it hurt?" I said jokingly. Harry shook his head amused and turned us over so he was on top.

No, no he's not going to get close to me. 

He's My kidnapper after all.

I punched him hard in the face and stood up. "Ouch." Harry groaned. "What was that for?" He said mad. 

"Ey, you asked me to defend myself." I answered.

Harry didn't looked mad or anything but came closer to me and carried me out of the ring. I screamed in surprise, he placed me in front of the huge mirror. His hands around my hips. His chin resting on my tanned shoulder. I slightly blushed.

"Join my gang." Harry whispered in my ear, kissing my ear lobe. I kicked him in the stomach, first because he kissed me then for the fact he asked me to join a sick ass gang.

"Never." I said angry.

"Why?" He asked calmly.

"Fuck that Harry! That's fucking dangerous, what if something happens to me. Hell no, I'm only here like for almost a week and you're asking me this like what's wrong with you?" I said furious.

"You're smart, feisty, can throw good punches, I'll teach you how to use a gun. Boom and you're a good Gang member. And about the things that might happen to you, well the dangerous parts will be a part of your job. I don't care what happens to you, I just want you to do the dirty job I give you." He said without blinking.

Ouch, that hurt. Heartless piece of shit. My heart ached when he told me he basically didn't give a shit about me. I didn't even know why I cared this much. My eyes filled themselves with tears, I won't cry. I won't cry. 

But then everything made sense, that's what he meant by: 'I wanna destroy you.'

A/N: Hi, I hope you like this part it's a bit rushed 'nd super boring so sorry about that. I tried my best haha. If we can reach the goal which is 5 votes 3 comments and 50 reads I will post the next chapter immediatly. And you know what would be sick as well? If this got ranked again. So if you're still reading this I f-word love you. xx

Love A. xx

PersecutionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora