2 - Caden

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I couldn't help but pace back and forth in my study as I looked out the window for the umpteenth time. Today Grace would be moving in and I couldn't wait to hold her tight. The castle had been in a flurry of activities for the corination this Saturday and then the following new moon would be our wedding day. It so happened to be the day another round of The Run would happen and I sadly hadn't found a way to stop it.

"Your majesty?" My beta Zander walks into the room with a questioning look on his face. He knew the worry I held deep inside my mind. What would I do if I couldn't stop The Run. On top of that I had packs to deal with and rogues that were becoming too deadly. Then the wedding Grace and I were planning and the possible future of pups. I was overwhelmed.

"Caden, relax man seriously." Zander sight out as he moves to stand infront of me, halting my progress in thoroughly creating a worn out path between the window and the desk. A growl of frustration escapes my lips and I glare at my best friend, getting an equally annoyed glare thrown back at me.

"Relax. How can I relax when I have a million things to do. My father left this shit hole of a mess that he didn't even bother to tend to and on top of that Grace will be here in less then an hour." I almost scream out, my hand reaching out and grabbing a glass filled with brandy as I throw it into the roaring fire place. I knew that when I killed my father there woukd be a lot of work but I never pictured the long hours and sleepless nights. I never thought I would have to ask Zander or Grace to spend days on end shuffling papers as we organized the wolves and packs.

"Think of it this way Caden. This pack and the North American wolves finally have a Queen they can look up to. A Queen that, as I've descovered, is very organized and capable of running a pack. She was a born Beta with Alpha and Beta blood running through her veins training with a born Alpha. She'll be amazing." Zander was right and I let out a frustrated sigh. My Lady Silver was a strong wolf. She challenged wolves during the run, protected and saved she wolves and even killed to defend her and her chosen sister's honor. She was a she wolf to both fear and awe and I had gotten the amazing oportunity to make her my mate and love her for the Queen she was.

"You're right and I have to remember that I won't be doing this alone." I smile at the wolf before me, the tension that's been building up for days leaving my body as I stretched. I only had a few more minutes of waiting and I know just how to make the time fly.

With one final glance to the window I step behind my desk and settle into my seat, for the time being I could get some paper work done and go through the unnecessary laws father had created. As the Alpha King I have a lot of work to do and if I could get rid of most of the easy stuff then Grace could help me with the harder decisions.

Most of the paper work was simple. Some were about the laws that had been made and what ever I felt was useless I placed them in a pile that would be taken out. Ones that I thought were useful I filed away. But there were some that I knew were useful but could be fixed and so those were the ones I focused on. A lot of them we're about mandatory training and what age group could do what. But one caught my eye and I fumed at it

The laws for The Run.

I hated that I still hadn't found another option. It was a horrid idea and I couldn't wait to change it. I all ready made a law that she wolves were equals and should be treated as such. They were not our slaves and with out them our race would die out. They were our back bone and our strength. They gave us a home and a place for us to feel safe at the end of a long day.

And even I knew that the she wolves were stronger then most males.

"She's here." The door bursts open as Karina rushes in, a look of excitement filling her flushed face. My half sister had gotten closer to my mate and Amelia in the last few months, the three becoming inseparable and I couldn't help but be happy. Karina always wanted a sister but our father had made sure that any wolf who was having a female pup for him were killed right then and there. It's why me and Karina were the only two children he had had before I killed the bastard.

"You sure?" I ask as I stand, paper work forgotten as me and Zander follow my sister down the twisting halls of the castle.

"Positive, she texted me because some idiot didnt have his phone on." She huffs out, giving me a pointed look and I instantly felt guilty. Sure enough when I checked the device I had ten new messages and five missed calls all from Grace. I was going to be in the dog house tonight.

With a sigh I place the phone back into my pocket before we reached the heavy oak doors. They were wide open in the beautiful day to welcome in the breeze but also to elcom in the new Queen. All of my pack members were gather outside, whispers and murmurs of excitement filling the air mixed with reporters from the were wolf comunity. This would be a big story on the hidden Web site for werewolves and I knew it would be played for days on end.

The higher ranking wolves stood in their correct position on the steps with Zander and Karina standing behind me at the top just outside the open doors. I could see everything from up here and if anyone was a threat to my mate I could easily reach them and take then down.

Finally the sounds of a car approaching could be heard as the limo pulled up to the red carpet. My heart started to beat faster then ever as the driver got out and opened the back door.

Everyone was silent.

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