Chapter Thirty-Three.

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Chapter Thirty-Three.

''Since Harry got here late, we're going to get the furniture in tomorrow!'' Louis rubs his hands together and grabs my arm, ready to walk me out.

It's late and we're going for the party celebration we all talked about. Finally.

Harry and Zayn walk ahead, with Liam trailing behind them and they get into Harry's car. Niall walks beside us, seeming kinda down. I decide to ask him about it after, as we climb into my car.

I wonder if he's upset about Sam.

We all walk into the club, or whatever it is and find seats, in a dark corner. We order drinks and the music makes us wanna get up and dance. Saying that, Louis pulls me to my feet and drags me across the dance-floor, pulling me close and spinning me and dipping me.

I laugh and squeal when I feel his hands slip and worry I'm gonna drop to the floor but he's strong so he doesn't drop me.

We all drink a lot, except me, I try to drink a little less than the boys. Eventually, I dance with every one of them, except Harry, who sits there glumly, staring at his vodka and lime.

I sigh, tired of the games we're playing or have played, because it's getting annoying and all I want is a straight answer.

I leave Louis by the bar and I can feel his eyes on me as I walk.

I poke Harry's shoulder and stand behind a chair, my hands on the back of the chair, tense.

''Harry, what are you playing at?''

He blinks and then frowns at me. ''Nothing. My friend just died, Sage.''

I shake my head, quickly getting exasperated. ''I know. But I mean... us. You kissed me twice or three times, I seem to remember, before you left on your midnight journey. And now we've barely spoken.''


''Sorry?'' I gape, hurt seeping in. Tears of annoyance and pain well up in my eyes. ''After all the pain and fucking hurt you cause me and all you say is sorry?!'' I cry, smacking the table with my palm. Pain shoots up my arm but I barely register it. That must've been my bad arm. ''Who went to you as soon as they could, when you were at your lowest? Huh? Me. And I was hurting then.''

Harry glances down and mutters a thank you.

''I try to make it up with you. I try to talk to you. I try to help you. I try to do anything, everything that'd get me closer to you. And what do you do, you kiss me and then shove me away. Well thanks a fucking lot, Harry.'' I spit it at him, tears rolling down my cheeks.

''Tibby died. I'm not in the mood right now.''

''Not in the mood? For god's sake, Harry, she died a month ago! I get that it hurts and I get that you feel like you can't go on, but life stops for no one, Tibby wouldn't have wanted you to sit here moping like Frankenstein! Move the fuck on!'' I yell above the music, wiping my tears away and then I tell him, ''I need you Harry. But I'm gonna try to move on because this is a waste of my time,'' I let go of the chair and take a step back. ''And you obviously don't want or need me.'' I leave, backing away from him.

I pass Louis, who squeezes my shoulder but lets me go. I run to my car and when I get in, I take a deep breath and then I glance out. It's raining. Fuck.

I start the car and drive away and I cry. Over Harry. Again.

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