And then...damn, I've got a lot of best friends. There's Za, Khalil, Ryan, Hailey, and Kendall.

These are some of Justin's friends. But I think I've even grown closer to them than Justin has.

Cause we're always together. And Justin...most of the time, he's never around.

Ross: okay.

I quickly grabbed my purse and left the house. As the fresh breeze hit me right in the face.

I decided to just walk it, since it's literally just a few minutes from the lynch's house.

One thing I love about their house.

As I was crossing the street, I felt my phone slip out of my back pocket, the screen landing directly on the ground with a loud shatter.


I turned around to pick it up, just to see my once beautiful iPhone 7 plus (product RED) shinny screen, now shattered.

I swear I would've cried right there.

I'm such an idiot. Who puts an iPhone 7 plus in the back pocket? Of course it'll slip out. It's way too big!...a fucking plus!

Completely forgetting that I was still standing in the middle of the road, light hitting me right in the eyes, as I hear honk, and a car, coming towards me at full speed.

Shocked, I am standing. Frozen. Not moving an inch.

Traumatised. Maybe.

Not even screaming, or moving, or the car came closer.

I then felt large arms around me, as I'm being pushed on to the pavement.

"Watch were you're going! Stupid girl!"

I hear. Along with i loud long honk. Which was probably the drive.

Who the fuck saved me?

Was the only thing I was thinking about. As I turned around to face the one and only...



Justin: what the fuck, Laura!? W-What were you thinking about? Why were you just standing there? What were you thinking about?! Why didn't you run?

He ranted on. But I was too shocked to really say anything.

Justin: what the fuck?!...I-I nearly lost you...

He said the last part in a really low voice. Nearly a whisper.

I'm glad he at least cares...

Of course he does, Laura. He's your soon to be husband.


I was kinda shocked when he hugged my tight.

Laura:...thank you.

I'm kinda still confused on why the hell Justin Bieber just happened be walking down the street, when I nearly got fucking killed by a car.

Justin: don't ever do that again, Laura...

He kept running fingers through my hair. As we just just stayed in that position.

I completely forgot about my shattered phone. That I was holding in my hands.

Justin: I'll get you a new one, babe. Don't worry about it.

He kissed my hair. As if he could read my thoughts.

At this point, he's making completely forget about what happened. And everything that's going on between us.

I want to forget.

I want us to forget.

And hopefully the release of his album isn't delayed or anything.



I hope you liked this part. Cause I kinda did not. And yall want some raura. But I'm sorry if I'm really starting to ship jaura! (Only in this story. Not in real life ) but don't worry. Cause yall know damn right that raura is my Otp. And it will definitely happen in this story💜❤️


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