"I know your plan, I haven't told anyone. But I know you want to go back, you plan on going back." He said, looking at me. "And I want you to know you shouldn't go back to her. It wouldn't be a smart idea for you. She's just using you to replace Abraham and Spencer."

I recognized the name Abraham as someone who Father Gabriel had told me that my father had killed on Alexandrias first encounter with him. And of course I knew who Spencer was, hell I had watched him die not too long ago.

And after he had died, she pulled out a gun. She tried to kill Negan in retaliation for Spencer.

Eugene cleared his throat, breaking me away from my thoughts. "If they were still alive, you wouldn't be her first choice. Hell you wouldn't even be her second choice. And there's nothing you can do to change that. I wanted to make sure you were making an informed decision."

I stood up, shaking my head. "Eugene, you may think that I want to go back there. But I don't, I'm at home here. I don't care about her or about what pick I'd be. That was just something to pass the time." I said, quickly walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

Before I got too far down the hall, I heard him say something else. "Just remember she's just using you as a distraction. Nothing else."

"You're awful quiet." I heard Rosita say.

"Just thinking." I said, pressing my lips against her shoulder. I had tried forgetting what all Eugene had said, but it was still there in the back of my head.

"About what?" Rosita asked, pulling back slightly and looking at me.

"It's nothing, really. Just something Eugene had tried telling me while I was at the Sanctuary. He was trying to convince me that I shouldn't come back here."

"Eugene's smart, but I'm glad you didn't listen to him. I don't know what he said, but it was probably bullshit."

I let a smile slip onto my face. "Nah, he was probably right. But it's okay, cause I don't care. I'm happier here, with you, than I ever was there."

Rosita leant over and kissed me before pulling away and getting up. "We've got to get up."

I raised an eyebrow, my eyes wandering slightly. "Why exactly do we have to get up? Cause I don't have guard shift today, and so I was thinking we could stay here."

"We have to go on a supply run, I volunteered you to go with me, and then I thought we could run by the Hilltop."

I got up after a minute, grabbing my clothes. I got changed and looked over at Rosita, who was getting dressed.

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