Something is up

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Your P.O.V
I woke up early it was 7:00 am but Logan wasn't next to me I go to the bathroom and my bruises got worse the were more visible and purple and green I got ready and wore a maverick hoodie and leggings I go upstairs and see Jake in the couch.
Y:''were is Logan?''
J:''He is on set.''he said with a smirk.I know he is lying.
Y:''no he isn't he worked extra yesterday so he wouldn't go today.''
J:''You'r right he isn't on set.''
Y:''WERE IS HE JAKE THAT WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL YOU PROMISED NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN TO HIME.''Jake slapped you in the face because you yelled at hime you fall to the floor and he punches you.
J:''don't ever yell at me again bitch he is right here!''He claps his hands and chance and Anthony come in dragging Logan in.He hade blood everywhere.They left and I was left with Logan.
Y:''Logan,Logan please don't leave me wake up please please!''Y check his pulse and there was non he died.
Y:"NO NO NO LOGAN LOGAN WAKE UP PLEASE PLEASE!"I say as I shake hime.I wake up and notice it was just a dream.
Logan's P.O.V
I hear Juliana crying and moving around.
"No no no.''She screams
"Babe babe babe wake up.''I say as I shake her she finally wakes up and jumps.
"Babe you ok?''I say as I try to hold her but she moves as I grab her arm.
''Ummm yea just a bad dream don't worry.''she lays back down on the bed and I try to hug her but she moves something is up and I don't like it.
-next day-
Your P.O.V
I couldn't go back to sleep because of the dream that I hade.I finally decide to get up I go upstairs and got ready for the day I wore a smash hoodie obviously to cover the bruises and I wore some leggings.I was finally done getting ready I go to the room and Logan was still sleeping.I decided not to wake hime up because he worked so late last night I go upstairs and make breakfast.I make eggs bacon and waffles I also give Kong his food.I take Logan's breakfast to the room and I finally wake hime up.
''Logan wake up.''I say as I lay down next to hime.
''Noooo, I want to sleep.''he said in his morning voice and turned around I laughed and said
''So you don't want waffles and eggs and bacon.''
"Did you say waffles?''he told me and turned around.
"Yep,look.''I got up and showed hime the plate of food.I gave it to hime and he started eating it supper fast.
''calm down babe.''
"Sorry it just so freaking good thank you babe.''I gave him a quick kiss.
''No,problem I made it because you worked so late yesterday.''
-4 hours later-
Logan's P.O.V
''So what do you want to do babe?'' I say as I go upstairs
''I don't know we should go watch a movie.''
''Yea,sure what movie do you want to watch?''
"We should go watch IT.''
"Ok let's go.''
-At the movie theater-
We walk in the movie theater and went to get popcorn.I saw Jake with chance and Anthony.
''Look babe Jake is over there.''I say as I point she kind of froze for a second.
''Babe you ok.''
''Yea I'm ok.''
''Let's go say hi.''
Your P.O.V
I saw Jake with chance and Anthony I instantly remembered my dream.
''Let's go say hi.''Logan said to me I got scared but I didn't want to worry Logan so I said ok as we go there I squeeze Logan's hand little.

''Sup Jake.''Logan told hime and Playfully punched hime will he was vloging.
''Oh hi Logan.''Jake said will looking at me.
''Hi,Juliana.''he tried to give me a hug but I hade to choice but to hug him back.He squeezed my but little but Logan was busy talking with chance and Antony.Jake hugged me for a pretty long time and Logan finally separated him.
''Hey,Jake calm down now.'' He said and Jake laughed.
''I think the movie is about to start we should go.''I said and we left.
-After the movie-
We went back to apartment and we went to bed.I was scared to have the dream again so I let Logan hug me I really hope Jake won't text me again.

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