Short and sweet;)

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"Calm down Nagisa," I spun around, to find that the person standing in front of me was none other than Sakura, in person; her long hair was a golden halo around her mature yet childish face. Her usually blue eyes were glazed a glowing red, though oddly, I could still see the blues of her eyes from underneath the layer of crimson. It was like they went straight from red to blue without touching purple. It was like they defied all rules of science. She defied all rules of science.  I took Sakura's advice, and forced myself to calm down. I quickly blocked my thoughts from her, like I had been taught when dealing with psychics. Yes, that's right.  I wasn't surprised that psychics existed—I myself had assassinated an extraordinary psychic boy...What was his name again? Oh yeah, Saiki Kusou. Anyway, I wasn't surprised by psychics at all. What I was surprised with was that Sakura was one. I can always pick up on their unique auras, but the love aura that surrounded me had blocked it out, I realized. An assassin being in love was dangerous. To us assassins, love meant death. I smiled sadly as I wondered if Jimmy would look into my death if it happened, and was once again hit with a sharp throb of pain in my chest. Sakura stepped forward to comfort me, placing a skinny hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't worry, Nagisa. You still have a chance with Jimmy," It was odd to hear Sakura calling me Nagisa, but I had more important things to worry about. 

"Can you still read my mind? How else did you know what I was thinking about?" I asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice. But to my surprise, (what's really a surprise is that I can still get surprised) Sakura laughed. It wasn't the kind of jovial laugh she laughed at class. This laugh somehow managed to be innocent, yet with a strange touch of evil.  At that moment, I decided something. I did not like Sakura. 

"I like you, Nagisa," she chuckled. I just rolled my eyes. I've had enough of her. Sakura smiled, like she knew what I was thinking. 

"Go to Jimmy's house. You're about to have competition," She left at that cryptic message. 

Detective Meets Assassin-Detective Conan x Assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now