how ratchet and lizzie met

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Lizzie was a young women who lived with her foster parents because her real parents got killed by blargians. One day, the most tragic thing happened, her foster parents were criminals, her caretakers told her to run away and don't look back. When she was looking back, she saw her caretakers getting killed and tortured. She was really upset and scared that she had to see the bloody murder.

Lizzie remembered what her parents told her. They told her to go on a spare ship and go to planet veldin. Unfortunately, her ship was out of fuel and it crashed. One day, ratchet was fixing his ship when he saw a ship crash near his home.

" what was that" he said concered. He grabbed his airship and go to the crash site.

Once he arrived, he saw a human girl trying to get up. So he went down to the crash site to help her up.

" are you alright" he said feeling nervous because he has never seen a human girl before. " yes i'm fine " she said to the young lombax. " where did you come from" he said as she try not to cry if front of the lombax. " i don't want to talk about it " she said as she had a sad look. Ratchet was upset because he knows what happened back where she lived. " i am so sorry about what happened" he said. She was wiping some tears away and she said" it's alright". So ratchet asked her if she wants to live with him and she said yes because she has no where else to go. As they were heading back, it was getting late and lizzie fell asleep on ratchet while their on they way back. Once they got there, ratchet felt something against his back and found out that lizzie fell asleep because of her journey here.

Ratchet knew what to do. So ratchet gently carried her bridal style and quietly carrying her to rachet's room. Once in ratchet's room, he gently set her down and picked up a blanket and put it over her so she won't get cold. Good night ratchet said and he also fell asleep right next to her.

ratchet the lombax x lizzieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن