Please read. Good and bad news and very bad news

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Good news - My birthday is the 13th of this month.

Somewhat bad news - Okay first off I had sprained my ankle while I was playing with my sister and her friends, I fell in mud.

Good news - I get to work on the next chapter ! Yay!

Good news - My cat Nala had her second littler. Two Boys, One Girl. 1 - Simba (Boy)
2 - Kamikaze (Boy)   3 - Nova (Girl)   - Kamikaze drank upside down on his back. He also had a bigger forehead then his brother and sister. (No offense to anyone) But he looked like a kitten with Down syndrome. We think it's because of inbreeding.

Bad/Sad new - Kamikaze died yesterday (Sunday September 12:45 A.M.) Kamikaze was three weeks old. We noticed he wasn't drinking milk from mom. We thought that it was just because he was a runt and was just tired. But then he started getting weaker and weaker. So my mom went to get some milk to give to him. When she came back he was so weak. I had tired to mess with him every so often. But I let him sleep. So then we try to feed the other two to see if he could take it. Then I put him under my shirt and put him where his foot paws were outside my shirt. My mom then put the bottle in his mouth and he wouldn't even try to swallow the milk. So it ran down his side of his mouth. He started meowing just like how Raccoon did before he died. Saying "I love you thank you for taking care of me" Kamikaze did the same. So he was still in my arms. As my mom looked up for a 24/7 vet near us. We found one so we took him and put him on a towel and looked to see if he was okay. He wasn't breathing, So my mom jot him awake and made him cry. So I crawled on my hands and knees out the door and I got in the car, So I did everything I could to keep him Alive. I even did CPR. Well we got towards where the vet used to be. And he was cold. So me and my mom cried for a while.

 So me and my mom cried for a while

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Simba (Kamikaze brother) has also joined Kamikaze in heaven

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Simba (Kamikaze brother) has also joined Kamikaze in heaven. He died September 14 2017 early that morning. We had taken him to the vet when he started to act like how kamikaze did before he died. We were hoping they could save him, but he was too dehydration. It's hard enough for people to recover from dehydration. I will miss both my boys, My younger sister said that she had a dream of Simba playing with Kamikaze Benji and Little Princess and Raccoon (Grandfather). In a way I'm kinda happy for him because he is in heaven. He gets to see God before I get to. But at the same time I'm sad that he isn't here where I can love on him and watch him grow.

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