Chapter 14: Her Cure

Start from the beginning

"Oh.. Come on brother. Not her... She is just bad luck. I have heard her mate died because of her." , his sister said, what she said next was drowned in two growls.

"Gossiping is not a good habit Miss", Christabel said. "Especially when you are in our territory", Callahan finished the sentence for him as they approached us.

"I am sorry for my sister's badmouthing, she gets carried away sometimes.", he said nudging his sister to apologize, for which she just mumbled a sorry.

"Congratulation on finding your mates", he wished the Alpha's Sons and both nodded at him stiffly, clearly not interested to have a conversation with him, he turned to me and said, "I think I will take my leave Alpha, it's nice to meet you."

"Oooo..we are leaving already I wanted to meet Alpha's little Girl, ah. Here she is...", his sister she said as the girl I guess who is Celestine and my daughter approached us. She went straight to them and tried to take Rose out of the girl's arms. Bad move... Rose's wailing filled the air as soon as she touched her. Celestine moved her away quickly from the other girl, who looked surprised and shocked and looked at me with confusion,

" She doesn't do strangers", I told her as I watched Celestine soothing my daughter's cries by rubbing Rose's back and saying soft words to her. Surprisingly she calmed down in less than two minutes but snuggled to Celestine's neck looking at me with teary eyes and a little pout. Celestine came back and joined us once Rose calmed down. The other Alpha and his sister gave their excuses and left in the meantime.

"Seems like you are really good with kids sis. We did not believe it when mom said so.", Callahan said giving her a one-armed hug.

"Sister?" I asked him confused.

"Oh.. Yeah. You two did not meet properly right." Christabel said as he moved to the girl's side,

"This is Celestine Mary Lucas, Third child and only daughter of Alpha Lucas of Lunar Spirit pack and our one and only little sister", Christabel said pulling her closer to his side and smiling at her with brotherly affection. "We all call her Tina", Callahan added.

She smiled at me and I smiled back with a node.

"Tina, this is Alpha Demetrius Ronald Williams of Shadow Knight pack and Liza's cousin. Also Rose's father." , Christabel introduces me to his sister.

"You are blessed with a very sweet and beautiful child Alpha", she said smiling at Rose, who is now playing with a pendant of Celestine's neck chain, "You are a lucky father, your Rose is a treasure."

"Rosalyn, her name is Rosalyn Grace Demetrius.", I corrected her with the full name of my daughter, we rarely use her full name but still, I wanted her to know it as she genuinely cares for my child.

"Rosalyn? Wow, that is a sweet name. A sweet name for a sweet girl", she said as she started to tickle Rose who started another giggling flight.

"Alpha, Can you tell me where you beta is now at this moment? I want to meet him regarding something", she said out of the blue surprising me.

"Well, let me just link with him and find out", I told her as I linked with Philip.

"Philip, where are you?" I asked him through our pack link.

"I am at the bar Alpha.", he replied grimly, that is something new, he is always the cheerful guy.

"You can find him at the bar", I told her trying to take Rose out of her arms to free her, but my little one had other ideas on her mind and kept a firm hold on Celestine's hair. then we two started the tedious task of freeing her hair from Rose's hold, but it is not as easy as it sounds, as soon as we free one hand she just grab more hair using her other hand, after about 15 minutes we are able to pry her hair out of the one-year-old's firm grip. It was tedious and tiring but seems funny and lively, Rose was laughing the whole time clearly having a lot of fun at her dad's and her new friend's hardship.

After freeing her hair out of Rose's grasp, Celestine said bye to all of us claiming she has some business to attend to.

She placed a gentle kiss on Rose's cheek and said bye to her, "See you later my little Rosebud". And I saw my daughter smiling at her new nickname and rested her head on my shoulder; she suddenly looked sleepy and tired.

I watched Celestine's retreating back for a while and then looked away to see Christabel and Callahan watching me with an amused smile, I raised an eyebrow meaning what and they just shrugged and shake their head signaling nothing.

Catherin's (Mike's mother) P.O.V :

"Did you see that?" I whisper-screamed at my best friend and Luna Alexandra out of excitement, and she nodded eagerly.

We were watching Tina conversing with the Alpha Demetrius and his Child and she looked happy, there was no hint of sadness which is always there in her eyes. Her eyes are full of love and affection when she looked at that child, I have always seen the look on her face when she saw girls her age with their children. She once told me a child of her own will be the only thing she will be missing out in this life, she had her mate and had a wonderful time with him even if it is for a short while.

"Are you think what I am thinking?", I asked Alex, I am one who took initiative for getting Tina married. It always tore my heart to see Tina like this, importantly the reason behind that being my only son's death. For me, Tina is always her sixth child and no matter what it will never change.

"Yes Cathy, I have heard Alpha Demetrius mate is not with him, I don't know the exact reason but it worth discussing it with the men", she replied to me sharing the same excitement.

"who knows, might be that child is Tina's Cure", I said as we watched Tina walking away from the group.

The day Mike and Tina found that they were mates came to my mind, their smiles and excitement, we were all happy for them, I can feel tears in my eyes as all the memories flooded into my mind.

I looked up to the sky as if looking at my son up in the heavenly world... And I know this is what he wants for his little mate.


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