The Recording

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  As per usual, they started with dead space. Jackson decided to step in, but Andrew also started talking.
"Welcome to-" They both said at the same time. They ended up both stopping and Charlie started.
  "Welcome to the Official Podcast, Ghost Pepper Parade," He said. Even though he was still a real puss and only pretending to eat the Ghost Peppers, he was actually going to eat a sandwich, "Today we don't have a guest but we have Alex on again, as he will be for the rest of time. He has left JARCast as it will now be JRCast."
  "This is not a joke people, I have actually left them and am becoming a regular member." Alex said in his super 'I Hate' British voice.

  -----------------2 hours later---------------------

  "Okay, we're gonna need to cut about a quarter of that recording because Jackson went on another 'White Supremacy' rant. Could you stop doing that man?" Andrew said after he turned of the recotding.
  "You just don't get it man," Jackson argued, "It's just that..."
  Everyone in the room had left at that point, leaving Jackson and making him a sad lil' boy. The rest of the gang were going to the famous 'Boardwalk City Burgers' where Charlie made the best joke of all time just a few years ago. He decided to tell it again.
  "So then I said, 'Boardwalk Burgers? More like Bored Burgers, because those burgers arn't having any fun!'"
  The entire face of the Earth burst into laughter and the first fatality by joke was made.
  This made Them not happy.

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