First day hassles

Comincia dall'inizio

I turned to see him staring intently at me.


"Are you new?"

"Nope, I'm old."

He arched an eyebrow at me while everyone watched us. I turned and looked at all of them, their mouths agape.


"Y-you just talked to Luka Bennett," a girl stuttered.

"Yeah, so?"

"N-no one talks to Luka without getting hit," another boy stuttered.

I turned and looked at him then back at them, "Him? Pft." I started laughing. At that moment everyone thought I was the crazy new girl and I probably was.

I earned a glare from Luka Bennett. Oh, well, it won't be the first time. Won't be the last time.

My next class came with the form of Niko Reigns, who spent most of the time trying to flirt with me. Who is this guy?

After enough of his stupid pick up lines, I said, "Listen, no offense, but you need to work on your flirting because you reek of desperation." His jaw dropped as did everyone else. He slid into his seat and grumbled to himself. Nothing like having your ego slammed by the new girl.

Another class I was in was with Damon Reyes, the boy with a temper. He didn't say much, just sat there quietly. I wonder what his story was?

"Pst, pst. Hey Detroit," I heard someone whispered.

I turned, and Damon was leaning in towards me. I looked at him.

"After school by the gym."

"What? Why?"

"Cause you have issues with my boys. We can't have that, now can we?" He smiled briefly, then looked ahead.

Okay, I don't know why at that moment I felt utterly terrified, but I did.


After school, I took a deep breath and made my way to the spot the guys told me to meet them. Ugh. Great. The first day and I was probably going to get a beat down. Me and my big mouth.

As soon as I turned the corner, someone grabbed my arm and threw me against the wall, causing me to drop my books.

"You sure got a big mouth," Luka said, holding me against the wall.

"Yeah, maybe we should beat the shit out of you to make sure you know who's boss," Niko said up close and a little too personal.

I stood there and started to tremble. How the hell was I going to explain this to dad when I got home?

Then I heard laughing and clapping.

"Nice. I love the little quiver you did just now," Damon chuckled, walking up to me.

I looked at him a bit confused as Luka let me go, and both he and Niko backed up.

"Okay, I'm baffled. Are you going to beat me up or not?"

"Do you want me to beat you up," Luka asked, cracking his knuckles.

"No, no. That's quite okay. Don't need to explain why I got into a fight my first day," I said to them.

"What's your name, Detroit?"

"Malia. Malia Weston."

They all shook my hand, and I was surprised by how friendly they were. We sat down on a picnic table and talked.

"So, who are you guys?"

"I'm Niko Reigns, the handsome one."

"Psh, you wish."

"This ugly ass creature is my step-brother Luka Bennett," he said, sticking his tongue out at him.

"And I'm Damon Reyes, the town troublemaker."

"Are you a troublemaker?"

"Nah, I hate this fucking town. I'm actually from New York. My parents moved me here to keep me out of trouble. I fucking hate it," he said.

"Are you both from here," I asked.

"Fuck no," Luka said, getting up. "I only moved here because my dad married his mom two years ago. I'm from Chicago."

"And you," I asked Niko.

"Unfortunately, yeah. It sucks. Everyone knows your business, and the sheriff is a dick."

"Yeah, I know."


"He tried to pick me up the other day, claiming I was a streetwalker. Well, that was until my dad stopped him."

"Who's your dad?"

"Gabriel Weston, Lieutenant of the State Police - homicide division. He threatened to shoot his dick off."


"Then he probably knows my dad," Damon said.

"Who's your dad?"

"Detective Charlie Reyes."

"Probably," I said casually.

"Damon! Mom and dad are going to kill you," a girl yelled.

"Fuck. The old man must have called him," he huffed.

"Whose that?"

"My pain in the ass twin Abby," he sighed.

She walked towards us.

"Abby, what the fuck?"

"Damon, don't be a cheesedick," she said. Both of them had black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Malia? Right?"

"Uh, huh."

"We met at the pizzeria."


"Don't let my brother and his idiot friends corrupt you," she smirked.

"I'll try and not let them," I said with a soft smile.


I looked to see dad was waiting for me.

"That's my cue. See you guys later," I said, walking towards the truck. I climbed in.

"Who are they?"


"Well, at least you're making friends," he grinned.

I had a feeling these people were going to be great friends. Well, at least I hope so.

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