Chapter 41

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Rachel POV:

Rachel POV:

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"Hey girl."
I turned to see the girl I bumped into at the cinema.
"Hey, Davina, right?"
"Yea, and your Rachel, yea?"
"Wow, I actually remember someones name. And yea, I am. Haven't seen you around."
"catching up on assignments due. By the way, can i talk to you."
"Sure, what's up?"
"It's about Josh, your brother."
"Oh. What did he do?" 
"He didn't do anything. i was wondering if he ever spoke about me to you."
"Yea. He has. He thinks your a great girl. Smart and funny was his words." I smiled.
"Really." She asked, hopeful.
"Well, can I tell you a secret ?"
"Sure, your secret's safe with me."
"Umm, well. I think I like your brother. Not as a friend but, like like. "
I put my hand up to my mouth.
"Really." I gasped.
"Yea." She smiled.
"He likes you too." I then smacked my mouth.
"He does?"
"OMG. I wasn't meant to tell anyone. Look, he does, but he doesn't know how to tell you. Just, please don't tell anyone, especially him."
"Of course."
I took a drink of my tea.
"Anyway, I've got to go. Thanks for listening to me, your the best."
She got up to leave.
"Wait. Before you go, can I have your number or something. I like you and would like to be friends."
"Sure. Here, call me whenever." She handed me a piece of paper.

She smiled and walked out of Topangas just as Lucas walked in. He smiled and walked over to me.

"Hey" he kissed my cheek.
"Hi." I smiled.
"Ready to go?"

He took my hand and we walked around the town. We went into many shops and about two hours later we arrived back at Topangas. We walked in and Cory was sitting chatting to Topanga.

"I'll seya later"
"Yea bye"

We hugged. I walked over to Cory and sat beside him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Topanga asked.
"Yes, I did."
"Ready to head home."
"Yea, sure. Seya at home Topanga."
"yea. Seya. Can you start dinner?" 
"Yea, sure."

I walked out with Cory and made our way home. Once home I walked to the kitchen and put on the dinner.

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