A Special Mew Mew

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Kiki's POV

"KIKI!!!!!!!" A voice yelled. It was Pan?! I transformed and ran out. " TAMBOURINE TRENCH!!" I yelled. Dren disappeared. I ran to Pan and gave her soul back to her. She jolted up and hit my head. " Owwww." I groaned. " KIKI YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME YOU WAS A MEW MEW!!!!" She snapped. I saw her eyes flash from black to green. Her hair was starting to turn blonde. " Mew alert!! Mew alert!!!" Mini Mew said. He spit out a power pendant and Pan caught it. " MEW MEW PAN!!" Pan yelled " METAMORPHOSIS!!!!". A light surrounded her and when we could see her her outfit changed but her eyes turned green and her hair turned blonde. " YOU ARE A SAIYAN?!" I screamed. When she turned around she looked scary. But then... her hair and eyes turned back to normal. " S-sorry... Kiki..." Pan said before she passed out. I regretted screaming at her. Me and the others ran to her. Renee caught her before she hit the ground. " Kiki... you should have told her." Renee said. " She wouldn't be like this if you did." Corina added. I messed up big time. Am I still her best friend?

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